Народные силы самообороны

TO THE PRESS AND PUBLIC On 23 May, after our guerrillas carried out an action in the district of Varto/Mus, where they killed 1 jendarmerie officer, returned to their bases with no looses. This action carried out in retaliation against increased military operations and, aftermath the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the surrounding areas of the Villages of Leylek, Rekasa and Tanzik, in the district of Varto/Mus, on 24 May. In the morning hours of 24 May, the military operation started by the enemy with air-landing its forces on the areas of Gulluce and Corsan; the Hills of Miro, Badan and Boga, and later operation extended from there on. On the same day, while a sikorsky type helicopter was air-landing the enemy units, our guerrillas carried out an action and as a result Sikorsky type helicopter have been damaged and got into flames. The helicopter attempted to fly away from the area, yet it has exploded and fall down. Aftermath of this action, the cobra type helicopters belongs to enemy carried out intensive bombardments on the area until late night hours. While the military operation continues, as a result of intensive bombardments and occasional clashes 3 of our guerrillas have been martyd. We have no connectionwith those 3 people said to be taken alive by the enemy in the area of military operation.  

The I.D. Details of our Martryd Guerrillas are as Follow;

Code Name: Rumet Antep

Real Name: Mehmet Kocaakca

Date and Place of Birth: 1983/Antep

Name of Mother: Gulsum

Name of Father: Mamo

Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Antep

Date and Place of Martry: 24 May 2012 / Varto, Mus

Code Name: Jehat Agiri

Real Name: Erhan Serhat

Date and Place of Birth: 1986/Agri

Name of Mother: Cedide

Name of Father: Suleyman

Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Agri

Date and Place of Martry: 24 May 2012 / Varto, Mus

Code Name: Kendal Amed

Real Name: Muzaffer Anustekin

Date and Place of Birth: 1980/Amed

Name of Mother: Sidika

Name of Father: Sidik

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 24 May 2012 / Varto, Mus

HPG Media and Communication Center
