Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

Our forces in the resistance areas practice tactical richness with the fighting of mobile guerrilla units and in war positions and tunnels. They are putting a spoke in the occupiers' wheel and have the initiative in their hands. The Turkish occupation forces are in a difficult situation and are continuously using chemical weapons on a massive scale against the guerrillas' positions and tunnels.

The use of chemical weapons by the Turkish army dozens of times a day is not an ordinary attack and should not be considered by anyone as a normal state of affairs. It is a war crime. However, whatever the Turkish occupation army uses, it will not be able to break the resistance of the guerrillas and the Apoist will of the fighters who are ready to sacrifice. On May 17 alone, the guerrilla positions and tunnels were attacked 44 times with chemical weapons. In return, our forces carried out effective actions in which 14 invaders were punished and six others were injured. In addition, three drones were shot down.

The details of the actions taken are as follows;

1. In Avaşîn region;

– On May 17, at 12:00 and 14:05, the invaders attempted to bombard the Werxelê Resistance Area with chemical weapons were targeted and shot by our forces with heavy weapons and sabotage tactics. As a result of these actions, 1 invader was punished and 3 invaders were injured.

As a result of the effective actions carried out by our forces, the invaders, who had to retreat after being hit, bombarded the Werxelê Resistance Area 15 times with chemical weapons and explosives.

2. In the Zap region;

– On May 17, at 13:00, the invaders around the Kevirêkun battle positions in the Şikefta Birîndara Resistance Area were targeted twice by our forces with the assassination tactic, and 2 invaders were punished.

– On May 17, at 07:20, the invaders attempted to advance towards the battle positions in the Şikefta Birîndara Resistance Area were taken under control by our forces and shot with individual and heavy weapons. As a result of the effective intervention of our forces, the invaders could not advance and had to retreat one stage. In addition, 2 drones on the area were shot down by our forces. The invaders who were in the area at noon were targeted and effectively hit by our forces with heavy weapons, assassination tactics and three times sabotage tactics. Here, 8 invaders were punished and 3 invaders were seriously injured. The invading Turkish army wanted to remove its casualties from the area with helicopters in the evening hours. After these helicopters put under fire by our forces, they had to leave the area.

As a result of this series of effective actions carried out by our forces in the Şikefta Birîndara Resistance Area with the Apoist militant spirit; 10 invaders were punished, 3 invaders were seriously injured and 2 drones were shot down.

– On May 17, at 09:30, the invaders around the Şehîd Hewrê battle positions in the Şehîd Şahin Resistance Area were targeted and shot by our forces with sabotage tactics. Explosives belonging to the invaders and previously seized by our forces were used in this action. As a result of this creative action by which our forces used the enemy's weapon against the enemy, 3 invaders were punished.

– On May 17, at 12:10, 1 drone on the Martyr Şahin Resistance Area was shot down by our YJA Star forces.

On 17 May, the invading Turkish army, which was hit by the effective actions of our forces and could not advance, bombarded the Şehîd Hewrê and Martyr Berxwedan battle positions of the Şehîd Şahin Resistance Area and the Girê Cehennem battle positions of the Çiyareş Resistance Area 29 times with chemical weapons and explosives.

3. The invading Turkish army bombed the Medya Defence Zones dozens of times with warplanes, attack helicopters and howitzers.

The details of the attacks are as follows:

– On 17 May, the Çemço and Şikefta Birîndara areas of Zap were bombed 4 times with warplanes and the Girê Amiye and Girê FM areas were bombed with howitzers fired from the outposts located on the border line.

– On 17 May, howitzers fired from the police stations on the Girê Hakkarî and Girê Ortê border lines in the Metîna region and 6 times with warplanes were bombed.

May 18, 2022

HPG Press Centre