Народные силы самообороны


1. On 3rd of July, 2010, at around 23:00 hours, our Guerrilla Forces carried actions against four different  enemy positions at Gire Sor, the Hill of Bayrak, Kucuk Kato and the Hill of Beyolke in Central Beytussebap/Sirnak.

The first action carried against enemy positions at Gire Sor, where 30 enemy soldiers placed. The village-guards also participated in the clashes on the enemy side despite our calls made for the village-guards to not involve in the clashes. Yet, our Guerrilla Forces did not targeted them to kill during action. As a result of the action carried out against the Hill of Gire Sor, the Hill has been completely taken after killing nine (9) enemy soldiers, six (6) others wounded, and three (3) village-guards wounded. Also, during the clashes  two (2) of our guerrillas named Fikret and Zagros reached to their testimony after brave resistance.

The second action carried out by our Guerrilla Forces against the Hill of Bayrak. As a result three position of the enemy have been destroyed and five (5) enemy soldiers killed by our Guerrilla Forces.

The third action carried out against the Hill of Beyolke, yet losses of the enemy here couldn’t be able to clarified.

Our Guerrilla Forces carried out the fourth action against the position of the enemy on the Hill of Kucuk Kato, which securing the the houses of the Commandment of the Brigate. Here, losses of the enemy couldn’t be able to clarified. Yet, during the action, enemy soldiers left their post on the Hill and while escaping  towards the city centre, they shoot around with no aim.

2. From night hours of  4th of July to morning hours of 5th of July, 2010, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Dola As and the Hill of Partizan /Haftanin /the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

3. On 25th of June, 2010, as a result of a conspiracy, a clash has been occurred in between our Guerrillas and enemy forces. As we already shared, one of our guerrilla named Firat Munzur (Gokhan Akpolat) reached to his testimony after brave resistance. In this the same clash, our another guerrilla named Harun Siyar (Ali Cilo) also reached to testimony after days later reached to our guerrilla forces as wounded.

4. We have already shared the information on a clash occurred in between our guerrilla forces and enemy forces in rural area of Kelkit/Gumushane, on 21st of June, 2010. As a result of this clash, as we already shared, two of our guerrillas named Amed (Hamit Ulas) and Rezan (Salih Ozcan) reached to testimony. Adding to this, in the same clash, also our guerrilla name Sipan (Ozgur Daghan) reached to testimony after brave resistance.

5. On 2nd of June, 2010, a group of our Guerrillas, who went for a duty, clashed with the enemy after coincidently came face to face with enemy soldiers. As a result, one of our guerrilla named Diyar (Abdullah Hezer) reached to testimony after brave resistance.

The ID Details of our Martered Comrades are as follows:

Fikret - Hamit Tekbudak

Code Name: Fikret Van
Real Name: Hamit Tekbudak
Year of Birth/Place: 1980/Van
Year of Participation/Place: 1998/Van
Name of Mother: Besna
Name of Father: Maruf
Date of Martery/Place: 3rd of July, 2010/Beytussebap-Sirnak

Zağros - İbrahim Başak

Code Name: Zagros Urfa
Real Name: Ibrahim Basak
Year of Birth/Place: 1983/Urfa
Year of Participation/Place: 2002/Van
Name of Mother: Feride
Name of Father: Halil
Date of Martery/Place: 3rd of July, 2010/Beytussebap-Sirnak

Harun - Ali Cilo

Kod Adı: Harun Şiyar
Adı ve Soyadı: Ali Cilo
Doğum Tarihi ve Yeri: 1982 / Afrin
Katılım yılı ve yeri: 1999 / Afrin
Anne Adı: Zeynep
Baba Adı: Cumo
Şahadet tarihi: 25 Haziran 2010 / Kağızman, Kars

Diyar - Abdullah Hezer

Code Name: Diyar Gafur
Real Name: Abdullah Hezer
Year of Birth/Place: 1982/Sirnak
Year of Participation/Place: 2004/Sirnak
Name of Mother: Ayse
Name of Father: Mehmet
Date of Martery/Place: 2nd of July, 2010/Cizre-Sirnak

Sipan - Özgür Dağhan

Code Name: Sipan Aras
Real Name: Ozgur Daghan
Year of Birth/Place: 1983/Amed
Year of Participation/Place: 2004/Xinere
Name of Mother: Gullu
Name of Father: Mehmet
Date of Martery/Place: 21st of June, 2010/Kelkit-Gumushane


The Press Liasion Centre – HPG
