Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

The actions of our mobile guerrilla unit against the invasion operation from all over Kurdistan continue. Using the new era guerrilla tactics skillfully, our forces inflict heavy blows on the invaders in the actions. As a result of the actions, 9 invaders were punished.

The invading Turkish army, bombed the battle positions in the Resistance Areas 11 times with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons, 14 times with warplanes, 4 times with attack helicopters, and hundreds of times with tanks, mortars, howitzers and heavy weapons.

The details of the actions are as follows;

1. Within the scope of the Egîdên Botanê Şehîd Diljîn - Şehîd Şervan Êrkendî Campaign;

– On July 22, the invaders positioned around Gundê Omyanis to ensure the safety of the invasion road construction in the Besta region were put under control and a successful action was carried out with the infiltration tactic by our units. At 20:00, our mobile units hit the invaders effectively with hand grenades and individual weapons. In the action, at least 7 invaders were punished.

The invading Turkish army, which was able to remove its casualties from the area with helicopters during the night hours, launched an operation covering the action area on July 23 at 06:00. This operation was withdrawn without any result on 28 July.

This action was carried out to salute the resistance of our comrades who fought heroically in the battle tunnels.

2. Within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign in the Zap region;

– On July 29, at 18:20, the invaders who attempted to advance towards the Şehîd Adil battle positions in the Çemço Resistance Area were hit with an assassination tactic and 1 invader was punished. The invaders who tried to retreat were targeted by our forces with heavy and individual weapons at 18:40 and shot again, and 1 more invader was punished.

3. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons;

– On July 29, the battle positions in Girê FM and Girê Amediyê Resistance Areas were bombed 11 times with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons.

It has been determined that the chemicals used by the invading Turkish army are in white and green colours.

4. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army with heavy weapons, mortars, howitzers, helicopters and warplanes;

– On July 29, Werxelê, Çemço Resistance areas and Şehîd Adil battle positions were bombed dozens of times with tanks, howitzers, mortars and heavy weapons.

– On July 29, drone activity was observed in Girê Cûdî, Girê FM and Girê Amediyê Resistance Areas.

– On July 29, the Girê Hakkarî, Çemço and Saca Resistance Areas were bombed 14 times with warplanes.

– On July 28, Girê FM and Çemço Resistance Areas were bombed 4 times with attack helicopters.

As a result of the attacks of the invading Turkish army, the fires broke out in the Girê Hakkarî Resistance Area continue.


July 30, 2022

HPG Press Centre