Народные силы самообороны


1. On 6th of July, 2010, at around 07:00 hours, our Guerrilla Forces carried an action against a panzer in a row of an armoured military vehicles as a part of a military operation launcehed by the Turkish state army Lice-Kulp/Amed.

The action carried out against the military panzer at 2nd km of the Lice-Kulp highways/Amed. The military panzer have been completely destroyed together with the enemy soldiers in it. Two ambulances carried dead and wounded soldiers three times from the place of incident. Afterwards of the action, the Turkish state army closed the area for the entry, and launcehed a military operation until night.

2. On 6th of July, 2010, our YJA-STAR Guerrillas carried an action against enemy soldiers securing Lekic army station in Palu/Elazig. The action carried out in commemoration of our martered comrades in Silvan, Gumushane and Pervari. As a result of this action two (2) enemy soldiers killed and two (2) other wounded.

3. The afternoon of 6th of July, 2010, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in and surrounding  area of Sineva/Yuksekova/Hakkari, after intensive bombardment of the Cobra type attack helicopters.

4. In between 21:00 hours of 6th and 03:00 hours of 7th of July, 2010, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Sesdara/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

5. On 5th of July, 2010, afternoon, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Xapuske/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars. As a result of the bombardment fire has been started. The fire is still continuing.

6. On 5th of July, 2010, at around 14:30 hours, our Guerrillas carried an action against a lorry in between the area of Erbis and the Guvenlik army station, which was carrying military materials to the Guvenlik army station. As a result of this action, the lorry mostly  destroyed and the driver heavily wounded. Afterwards of the action, the Turkish state army launched a military operation with armoured military vehicles in the area, and the surrounding area of the place of action has been bombarded with obus and mortars.

7. On 5th of July, 2010, at around 23:00 hours, our Guerrillas carried an action against a carpet factory, belongs to the state authorities in Lice, in the village of Yaprakli (Tute)/Lice/Amed. The action carried out against the carpet factory for the reason of there was a cover JITEM activities carried out as a part of special warfare. The factory has been burnt by our guerrillas for warning for those carrying out such activities.

8. On 5th of July, 2010, our Guerrilla Forces carried an action against enemy positions on the Hill of Bedeve/Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result of this action, most of the positions of the enmy on the Hill taken by our guerrillas and 18 enemy soldiers killed. Our guerrillas confiscated 1 BKC type weapon, 5 G3, and 1 Termal Camera during this action. Afterwards of the action, the area have been bombarded by the enemy using intensive military technic. As a result of clashes and bombardments four of our Guerrillas name Artim, Esra, Tekoser and Avasin reached to testimony after bravely resist. We will be sharing in more detail once we receive clarified information.

9. On 21st of July, 2010, as we have had shared, as a result of a clash occurred in between our Guerrilla Forces and the operational forces of the Turkish state army in the rural areas of Kelkit/Gumushane, total of four (4) of our Guerrillas reached to testimony. We have already announced the names of our marteres as Amed (Hamit Ulas), Rezan (Salih Ozcan) and Sipan (Ozgur Daghan). According to the new detail which we have just received that also another guerrilla named Zerdest (Serdar Tekin) reached to testimony after brave resistance. We would like to apologize from the public for any inconviences due to difficulties to get information in a war situation.

The I.D. Details of our Martered Guerrillas:

Zerdeşt - Serdar Tekin

Code Name: Zerdest
Real Name: Serdar Tekin
Year of Birth/Place: 1985/Batman
Year of Participation/Place: 2005/Istanbul
Name of Mother: Behiye
Name of Father: Alaaddin
Date of Martery/Place: 21st of June, 2010/Kelkit-Gumushane


Esra - Meysa Ayşe

Code Name: Esra Urmiye
Real Name: Meysa Ayse
Year of Birth/Place: 1984/Urmiye
Year of Participation/Place: 2003/Urmiye
Name of Mother: Sara
Name of Father: Kerim
Date of Martery/Place: 5th of July, 2010/Semdinli-Hakkari


Avaşin - Meral Bingül

Code Name: Avasin Irmak
Real Name: Meral Bingul
Year of Birth/Place: 1980/Norsin-Bitlis
Year of Participation/Place: 2002/Istanbul
Name of Mother: Nazerin
Name of Father: Abdullah
Date of Martery/Place: 5th of July, 2010/Semdinli-Hakkari


Artım - Serhat Aslan

Code Name: Artim Sengal
Real Name: Serhat Aslan
Year of Birth/Place: 1981/Sanli Urfa
Year of Participation/Place: 2004/Moscov
Name of Mother: Mahide
Name of Father: Nafi
Date of Martery/Place: 5th of July, 2010/Semdinli-Hakkari


Tekoşer - Sıtkı Tanrıverdi

Code Name: Tekoser Munzur
Real Name: Sitki Tanriverdi
Year of Birth/Place: 1962/Avsin-Maras
Year of Participation/Place: 1997/Fransa
Name of Mother: Zeynep
Name of Father: Huseyin
Date of Martery/Place: 5th of July, 2010/Semdinli-Hakkari


The Press Liasion Center – HPG
