Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

1. In the Werxelê Resistance Area in the Avaşîn region;

– From the evening hours on September 28 until the morning hours on September 29, the Turkish army bombed the Werxelê Resistance Area by using chemical agents and heavy weapons.

The Turkish army, which is committing crimes against humanity by using chemical weapons, could not advance further in the face of the historic resistance put up by the Werxelê fighters with an Apoist will.

2. On September 28, at 11:00, Girê Rostê in the Goşînê area of ​​Xakurkê was bombed by warplanes. 

– On September 28, at 11:50, the Kafya area in the Garê region was bombed with warplanes. 

 – On September 28, between 11:00 and 00:00, the areas of Sîda, Tîpa T, Girê Martyr Sîmko in the Zap region were bombed with warplanes and attack helicopters. The fire, which broke out in the field as a result of the bombardment, continues. 

– On September 28, between 23:50 and 29 September morning, helicopter movements were experienced in the areas of Girê Sor, Girê Silêman, Girê Spî, Mervanos, Tabûra Ereba and Banista in the Avaşîn region. At the same time, the Girê Şehîd Întîkam area was bombed with attack helicopters. 

September 29, 2021 

HPG Press Centre