Народные силы самообороны


1- On 31 March 2011, at around 18:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the Turkish state army carried air-bombardments on the Hill of Sehit Cihat and the Castle of Ertus/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. Our Guerrillas retaliated to the air-raids with air defence artilary.


2- On 31 March 2011, at around 15:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the Turkish state army carried a air-raids against the all the areas in Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. Our Guerrillas retaliated to these air-raids with air-defence artilary.

3- On 31 March 2011, at around 19:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried out an attack with Cobra type war helicopters against the Castle of Ertus, the Hills of Sehit Cihat, Sehit Newal and Sehit Zeki/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. These attacks still continues.

4- On 31 March 2011, at around 19:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar shelling on the Castle of Ertus, the Hills of Sehit Zeki, Sehit Cihat and Sehit Newal/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. These attacks still continues.

The Press Liasion Centre - HPG
