Народные силы самообороны


1- On 26 July, the Turkish state army launched a military operation against the Hill of Geper/Beytussebap/Hakkari. On the same day around 19:40 p.m., a clash occurred in between operational forces of the Turkish state army and our guerrillas.

As a result of these clashes the number of killed and wounded soldiers couldn't be able to clerified.


2- The Iranian army cariied obus and mortar attack on the areas of Sehit Beritan, Sehit Ahmet and Sehit Aziz/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas, from 27 July at 23:00 hour to 27 July at 02:00 hour.

3- The Turkish state army carrying bombardments on the area of Gabar/Sirnak with cobra type attack helicopter, obus and mortars since 20 July. As aresult of these bombardments of the Turkish state army, fire began in the Village of Dersew and the area of Navsera Gabar, which still continues.

HPG Press and Communication Center
