Народные силы самообороны


1. On 11th of April, 2010, in between the hours of 00:00-02:00am, the Turkish state army bombarded the areas of Xantur and Sesdara / Haftanin / the Medya Defence Area, with obus and Mortars.

2. The Turkish state army bombarded the Hill of Sehit Cihat, the Hills of Sehit Zeki and the village of Ertus, with obus and mortars. The bombardment started 19:00pm on 10th of April and continoued until 06:00am the next day.

3. On the 10th of April, 2010, the Turkish state army have started a military operation in the areas of the villages of Talisa and Bilica, and as well as the areas of Kucuk Gare and Siva Hespa in Cukurca / Hakkari.  The operation partially pulled back on the night of the same day. Yet, the operation contimoues with some small units, who  left in order to have ambush and search in the area.

4. On 9th of April, 2010, the Turkish state army bombarded the village of Petrot, the Hill of Petrot and the area of Sehit Dijwar / Zap / the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

The Press Liasion Center – HPG
