Народные силы самообороны


1- On 12 May, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the surrounding areas of the Villages of Ciyan, Karacayan and Bilika/Karakocan/Elazig. The operation still continues in the area by the hidden enemy units' search and ambushes .

2- On 13 May, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy forces positions on the Hill of Orta, on the borderline, in the district of Cele/Hakkari. As a result 3 enemy soldiers killed, and 1 Nicon type binoculers destroyed by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, the enemy forces carried out obus and mortar attacks on the areas of the action and Ciyares.

3- On 13 May in between 16:00-18:00 hours, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the area of Sikefta Birindara/Zap/Seladize/the Medya Defence Areas.

4- On 7 May, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a comprehensive military operation, where Jendarmerie and Policemen also involved, in the area of Qelendera/Siirt. On the same day at around 14:00 hour, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and operational forces of enemy. As a result of the clashes occurred, 1 policeman killed and 2 of our guerrillas reached to martry after brave resistance.


The I.D. Details of our Mrtryed Guerrillas are as Follow;

Code Name: Levent Resko

Real Name: Bilal Beybaga

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Kars

Name of Mother: Nezahat

Name of Father: Ahmet

Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Istanbul

Date and Place of Martry: 7 May 2012/ Siirt

Code Name: Servan Botan

Real Name: Ayhan Kocak

Year and Place of Birth: 1988/Van

Name of Mother: Serbet

Name of Father: Feyzi

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Van

Date and Place of Martry: 7 May 2012/Siirt

HPG Media and Communication Center
