Народные силы самообороны


On 15 December 2011, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the rural area of the district of Yayladere/Bingol against our guerrillas by using the heavy winter conditions. And, we have already informed the public that 8 of our guerrillas have been martryd as a result of the clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and operational enemy forces. And, we also gave the I.D. details of two guerrillas as Yilmaz Amed (Murat Cetiner) and Sarya Sores (Fatma Sayak). We also clerified the I.D. details of our 6 martryd guerrillas as follow;

Code Name: Zin Botan

Real Name: Altun Ekinci

Year and Place of Birth: 1982/Siirt

Name of Mother: Mulkiye

Name of Father: Ahmet

Year and Place of Participation: 1999/Batman

Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol

Code Name: Peyman Afrin

Real Name: Ruken Muhammed

Place of Birth: Afrin

Name of Mother: Nazli

Name of Father: Huseyin

Year and Place of Participation: 2001/Afrin

Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol

Code Name: Mazlum Dilges

Real Name: Behman Residi Kecelanlu

Year and Place of Birth: 1980/Maku

Name of Mother: Taviz

Name of Father: Abdulmecit

Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Maku

Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol

Code Name: Mizgin Arman

Real Name: Leyla Pirevi

Year and Place of Birth: 1988/Urmiye

Name of Mother: Zine

Name of Father: Huseyin

Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Urmiye

Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol

Code Name: Bahtiyar Kendal

Real Name: Veysi Karahanli

Year and Place of Birth: 1993/Amed

Name of Mother: Faike

Name of Father: Seyfettin

Year and Place of Participation: 2011/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol

Code Name: Delila Ciya

Real Name: Berivan Aytek

Year and Place of Birth: 1991/Amed

Name of Mother: Yildiz

Name of Father: Abdurrahman

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol

Our 8 comrades, whome participated to our Freedom Movement of Kurdistan in different periods from East to West and, West to South, are the Symbols of the Resistance have been martryd as a result of an military operation aimed to destroy by the occupier forces of the Turkish state army, on December 2011. Each of them oath to create the free future and show a determined stand of the traditional resistance culture of the Apo in their selves. And, participated to the caravan of martrys.

HPG Media and Communication Center
