Народные силы самообороны


1- On 17 June, the Turkish state army launched a military operation with air-landing its forces in the area of Seker Baba, the Hillsides of the Gole and Cole/Bingol. This operation also extended to the areas of Serxan and Kizilagac as well, and it continues while extends itself with searches and ambushes.


2- On 17 June, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in between the areas of Wargenim and Kole/Semdinli/Hakkari. The operational forces of the Turkish state army showed oppresed the villagers in the area. The operation pulled back in the evening hours of 18 June.

3- For a while now, the Turkish state army have had been preparing for a military operation in between the areas of Semdinli and the Hill of Gare. On 17 June, the Turkish state army air-landed its forces on the Hill of Telefon and the Straits of Merkola/Semdinli, and again these areas have been bombarded with cobra tpye attack helicopters, obus and mortars.

4- On 18 June in between 21:00-23:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the Hill of Sileman and the Strait of Sehit Dijvar/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas.

HPG Press and Communication Center
