Народные силы самообороны


1. On 21st of June, 2010, as a result of a clash occurred in between our Guerrilla Forces and Turkish state army, who launched an military operation in rural areas of Kelkit, 2 (two) of our Guerrillas have been reached their testimony after a brave resistance.

The details I.D. of our martered Guerrillas are as follows:

Amed - Hamit Ulaş

Code Name: Amed Serdoz

Real Name: Hamit Ulas

Date of Birth and Place: 1976/Silvan-Amed

Date of Participation/Place: 1992/Amed

Name of Mother: Makbule

Name of Father: M. Tahir

Date and Place of Martry: 21st of June, 2010/Kelkit-Gumushane


Rêzan - Salih Özcan

Code Name: Rezan Serhat

Real Name: Salih Ozcan

Date of Birth and Place: 1980/Varto-Mus

Date of Participation/Place: 2003/Cyprus

Name of Mother: Rukiye

Name of Father: Mahmut

Date and Place of Martry: 21st of June, 2010/Kelkit-Gumushane

The Press Liasion Centre – HPG
