Народные силы самообороны


1- On the night hours of 14th of September, 2010, our guerillas carried a retaliation action in memory of our martered guerrillas in Hakkari. The retaliation action carried out against Police control point at the enterence of Semdinli/Hakkari.

As a result of this action, the press of the enemy reported as there are 3 wounded, yet we couldn't be able to clerify the numbers of enemy killed and/or wounded.

2- On 14th of September, 2010, in between 20:00-23:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the villages of Kelhoxe, Bezirgiran, Birka Evdalan and Zavite, and the Hill of Guvenlik/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.

3- On 13th of September, 2010, at around 23:00 hours, our guerrillas carried a retaliation action, in memory of our martered guerrillas in Hakkari and Garisa, against a land type police vehicle in Idil/Sirnak. As a result of this action, as we could clerified, 3 policeman belongs to the special police team wounded.

4- We have had already announced public about a destructive military operation launched against our guerrillas in the areas of Bileh, Binevs, Derzengile and Geliye Lewina/Hakkari, on 6th of September, 2010. The Turkish state army launched a military operation, which carried out by the Central Commandment of the Turkish state army under the Coordination of Commander of the Land Forces, Erdal Ceylanoglu, without a knowledge of army stations in the region of the operations took place. And as a result, 9 of our guerrillas have been martered and 6 of enemy soldiers killed. Another of our guerrilla friend, who wounded during these clashes, named Cudi Mahir (Erdal Agar) reached to martery.

The I.D. Detail of Our Friend as Follow:

Cudi - Erdal Agar

Code Name: Cudi Mahir

Real Name: Erdal Agar

Year and Place of Birth: 1988/Van

Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Van

Name of Mother: Nafia

Name of Father: Abdulkadir

Date and Place of Martery: 6th of September, 2010 / Hakkari

The Press Liaison Center - HPG
