Народные силы самообороны


1- On 14 May at around 16:00 hours, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and the Turkish state army who reinforced its forces for cross border military operation in the area of the Village of Yekmale/Uludere/Sirnak.

While the clash continued all day alone and 4 of our guerrillas reached to martry as a result of the attacks of obus, mortar and cobra attack helicopters on the area by the Turkish state army. The clashes still continues and as we receive details about clashes we will be sharing with public.


The I.D. Details of Our Martryed Guerrillas are as Follows:

Dijwar - Sami Piranoğlu

Code Name: Dijwar Goyi

Real Name: Sami Piranoglu

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/ Uludere, Sirnak

Name of Mother: Hanim

Name of Father: Suleyman

Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Istanbul

Date and Place of Martry: 15 May 2011/Uludere, Sirnak

Canşêr Şempiri - Adem Aşkan

Code Name: Canser Sempiri

Real Name: Adem Askan

Year and Place of Birth: 1991/Hakkari

Name of Mother: Naam

Name of Father: Halit

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 15 May 2011/Uludere, Sirnak

Kahraman Rodi - Abdulkadir Ay

Code Name: Kahraman Rodi

Real Name: Abdulkadir Ay

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Bingol

Name of Mother: Ayten

Name of Father: Bekir

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Bingol

Date and Place of Martry: 15 May 2011/Uludere, Sirnak

Berxwedan Malazgirt - Hanifi Aydın

Code Name: Berxwedan Malazgirt

Real Name: Hanifi Aydin

Year and Place of Birth: 1990/ Mus

Name of Mother: Herdem

Name of Father: Faruk

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Tekirdag

Date and Place of Martry: 15 May 2011/Uludere, Sirnak

2- In the morning hours of 14 May, our guerrillas blown a trap on the troops belongs to the Turkish state army while the troops attempting to infiltrate into the Medya Defence Areas from the area in between Destan and Gire Sor Border security stations/Cukurca/Hakkari. The trap blown up at around 09:00 hours and as a result a military vehicle damaged, 1 enemy soldier killed and 2 other wounded. After this incident, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the area. Then, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area which still continues.

3- The Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Deriye Dawetiye, Gire Neriya, Dola Betalma, Gire Partizan, Gire Heliz, Xantur, the Valleys of Kele and Alanis/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, which began on 14 May at 10:00 hour and continued until 16 May at 04:00 hour.

4- On 12 May at around 24:00 hour, while the Turkish state army preparing to cross border attack faced defence of our guerrillas in the area of the Hill of Kure Sino/the area of Aruse/Uludere/Sirnak. The clashes in between our guerrillas and the enemy soldiers began at around 02:00 hour and continued until morning hours of 13 May. As a result of these clashes 4 enemy soldiers killed and many soldiers wounded. Also, as a result of intensive usage of military hardware by the Turkish state army during the clashes our friend name Xebatkar Kobani reached to martry after brave resistance. After the clashes, in the morning hours of 13 May, the Cobra attack helicopters belongs to the Turkish state army bombarded the areas of clashes and also some of the areas part of the Medya Defence Areas as well.

The I.D. Detail of our Marteryed Friend is as Follow:

Xebatkar - Riyad Berkel

Code Name: Xebatkar Azad

Real Name: Riyad Berkel

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Kobani

Name of Mother: Xezal

Name of Father: Hesen

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Kobani

Date and Place of Martry: 15 May 2001/Uludere, Sirnak

HPG Press and Communication Center
