Народные силы самообороны


The planned action against the Police HQ in the district of Pinarbasi/Kayseri have been carried out by two members of the Martryd Zilan Immortality Battalion in retaliation against the military and political attacks against the Kurdish people; First of all the massacre of Roboski and other massacres; and all sorts of dirty war perpetrated against our people. In the frame of this planned action, the policeman have been targeted and, many policeman killed and wounded. The special warfare media’s, which works as a war media, reflecting of the incident with distortion is nothing more than helplesness and hiding the truth.

This Fedaiian action carried out with weapon and explosions and, while our friend Andok got into the Police HQ and clashed with policeman in the HQ, our friend Eris drove the vehicle loaded with explosion into enterence of the Police HQ. Our Fedaiian comrades ANDOK and ERIS represents the spirit of resistance and success of the period and, carried out extensive and successful action against the occupier Force of the Turkish state army. We will reach to definit victory with the line of determination and the path with the spirit of Andok and Eris’ clear success.

The I.D. Details of our Martryd Guerrillas are as Follow;

Code Name: Eris Didar

Real Name: Cengiz Ozek

Year and Place of Birth: 1988/Yuksekova, Hakkari

Name of Mother: Misri

Name of Father: Nevzat

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Yuksekova, Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 25 May 2012/ Pinarbasi, Kayseri

Code Name: Andok Farqin

Real Name: Ramazan Yildiz

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Silvan, Amed

Name of Mother: Zini

Name of Father: Omer

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Kelares

Date and Place of Martry: 25 May 2012/ Pinarbasi, Kayseri

While we respectufully memorise both our comrades Eris and Andok, who has the will to show the Apoist Fedaiin spirit under any circumsatances and sacrificed themselves for our freedom struggle and people, we will turn the spirit of our valuable comrades’ Martryd Beritan and Martryd Zilan, who answered back against the oppression and attacks by their fedaiin actions, into style of our line of struggle to get clear result.

The HPG Central Command

26 May 2012