Народные силы самообороны


Number of military operations carried out by occupier forces of the Turkish state army: 31

Number of Air-raids carried out by occupier forces of the Turkish state army: 2

Number of Cobra type Helicopter attacks carried out by occupier forces of the Turkish state army: 11

Number of tank and cannon attacks carried out by occupier forces of the Turkish state army: 25

Number of clashes occurred as a result of military operations: 16

Number of actions carried out by our Guerrillas: 31

Number of action and clashes that results couldn’t be clerified by our forces: 10

Number of killed enemy soldiers during action and clashes as clerified: 105

Number of wounded enemy soldiers during action and clashes as clerified: 63

Number of scorscy type helicopter hit and destroyed: 1

Number of scorscy type helicopter hit and damaged: 1

Number of destroyed enemy military equipment: 1 Nicon type Binoculers

Number of military equipment confiscated: 3 (2 HK-33 weapons, 1 Bomb-thrower)

Vehicles belongs to the those working with enemy in military field destroyed: 19 (13 vehicles, 2 Road         Scrapers, 1 Ladle, 3 Trucks)

Number of people arrested and/or taken under custody by our Guerrillas: 31

Number of Martryd Guerrillas: 24

Note: 16 of those people arrested and/or taken to custody by our guerrillas have been freed after their questioning completed.

HPG Media and Communication Center
