Народные силы самообороны


During the winter period, some of our friends have been martryed in different guerrilla areas as a result of attacks carried out by the Turkish state army. We are continuing our work in order to find out the I.D. details and the way those our friends, whome represents the will of free life and defence  the Kurdsih people and its values with great will and discipline despite all kind of attacks, have been martryd.

We already stated that we will be sharing information with our people and the democratic public as reasons and I.D. details of our friends whome have been martryd clerifies. Therefore, 2 of our friends' I.D. have been clerified those whome have been martryed in the district of Yayladere/Bingol, on 15 December, 2011. During these clashes, our guerrillas named Yilmaz Amed (Murat Cetiner) and Sarya Sores (Fatma Sayak) reached to martrydom.

The I.D. Details of our Martryd Friend are as Follow:

Code Name: Yilmaz Amed

Real Name: Murat Cetiner

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Amed

Name of Mother: Kadriye

Name of Father: Hidayet

Year and Place of Participation: 2011/Amed

Date of Martry: 15 December 2011

We do not have details of our friend Sarya Sores, who was borned in Karliova/Bingol, and was a new participant from the region.

We believe that our people will receive our guerrillas, who reached to martrydom in the month of December as a result of barbaric attacks carried out by the Turkish state army and its government, with the spirit of serhildans and, to reach to the peak of the serhildans in these dark days of the international conspiracy. We promise that will owe the memories of our comrades in all situations.

HPG Media and Communication Center
