Народные силы самообороны


1- On 4 October in between 19:00-21:00 hours, war-planes belongs to the colonist Turkish state army carried air-raids on the areas of Kani Cenge, the Village of Lewce and Dola Sehidan/Qandil/the Medya Defence Areas.


2- On 4 October at around 14:00 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against enemy convoy near by the Village of Benavok in between the District of Semdinli and Rubarok/Hakkari. As a result of this action, 1 hedgehog type vehicle and a military vehicle destroyed by our guerrillas. Yet, number of killed and wounded enemy couldn't be able to clerified. Aftermath of the action, enemy soldiers rapidly shoot around with no aim and as a result fire began in the area, which still continues. Later, the colonist Turkish state army air-landed its troops 4 times with scorscy type helicopters on the Hillsides of Keste and prohibited exist and enters to the area of the incident until night hours.

3- On 4 October, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation by air-landing its troops on the areas of Geliye Dizize and Geliye Saxe/Catak/Van. The operation in the area still continues.

4- In the night hours of 4 October, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation in the Plateaus of in the area of Kato Marinos, Meydanzengile and Cela Cenge and, the areas of Melixa and Karcite/Hakkari. The operation in the area still continues.

5- On 4 October, our guerrillas carried an action against the mobile enemy troops belongs to the enemy in the areas of Cele Kunhirce and Risor/Sirnak. As a result of this action, it has been cleared by us that 2 enemy soldiers wounded, yet as we clerify the details about the action we will be sharing with public.

6- The colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Geliya Kesan and Dola Siva Meze/the Medya Defence Areas, from 4 -5 October in between 22:00-01:00 hours.

7- On 3 October at around 20:30 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against a speacil team's vehicle in the district of Idil/Sirnak. As a result of action, the number of killed and wounded enemy couldn't be able to clerified by us. Aftermath of the action, the entry and exists to the district have had prohibited by the enemy.

HPG Press and Communication Center
