Народные силы самообороны

In recent period, security and armed forces of the state of the Turkish Republic is knowingly developing cold-blooded killings against Kurdish civilian people, esspecialy against the village-guards.

We would like to share, once more, couple of issues with our people and democratic public. Those are:

The action carried out by our Guerrillas in the district of Perwari/Siirt, on 27th of May, 2010, targeted to punish the people, who involved in the rape case in the city of Siirt and its district.  While our Guerrillas on the way to do this duty, they came a cross with the soldiers responsible of the security of Jandarmeria station in the district of Perwari. And, as a result,  our guerrillas targeted the soldiers in this army station. The action and clashes occurred here carried out by our guerrillas. However, in the same area a second bomb, which have been blown on the vehicles, is not belongs to our forces. Enemy forces knowingly placed this bomb and targeted to kill civilians and then blame our guerrillas for it.

A day later, on 28th of May, 2010, our guerrillas carried a retalliation action against enemy soldiers of the Turkish state army, while having military operation in the Navyana Sexa region in the rural area of Guneycam/Sirnak. Yet, here again the enemy soldiers killed a village-guard and blamed on our Guerrillas. The Turkish state army is also responsible from this killing af a village-guard.

On 18th of June, 2010, we have had already share that the armed forces of the Turkish state ambushed the village-guards of the village of Uguracan/Betkar of Semdinli/Hakkari, and killed a village-guard named Emrullah Demir, and heavily wounded three other.

The armed forces of the Turkish state continues to kill civilians for its dirty plans and do not have any boundaries for this. Again, on 20th of June, 2010, at around 19:30 hours, the Turkish state air forces air bombarded and killed 15 years old civilian girl named Rusen, and heavily wounded her mother Gelawej and her  5 years old son from the village of Cennet.

On the night of 21st of June, 2010, at around 20:00 hours, after our guerrillas carried an action against the army station of Basnik/Silvan/Diyarbakir, the armed forces of the Turkish state opened fire on the village of Basnik. Also, opened fire on a vehicle while passing by.

On 24th of June, 2010, afterwords of an action carried out by our guerrillas against the Yogunagac Jendarmarie Station, the enemy soldiers knowingly targeted a civilan family. As a result of the opened fire by the enemy forces, an elderly mother named Serife Gezici (70 y.o.), lost her life, and Ali Gezici (49), Bedriye Gezici (38), Ismail Gezici (19) and Mazlum Gezici (5) of our people have been wounded.

While these attacks carried out against our civilian people by the facist army of the Turkish state, who do not, of course, want to stop its attacks against our civilian people. On 23rd of June, 2010, our guerrillas carried an action against the army station of Gire Sor/Catak/Van.  As a result of this action, the enemy forces lost important number of soldiers. And, because of this, the enemy forces bombarded the village  of the village-guards, whome have  been  serving them long years now, with obus and mortars.

These above cases are the ones, we only know. The Turkish state becoming more and more a facist state, and in paralel to this its armed forces also systematically continue to increase its policy of attacks against the village-guards and our civilian population.

After all, we would like all the village-guards and democratic public to know that the village-guards are not within our special targets. We are trying, as much as we can, not to give any damages to the village-guards. However, in the case of war-time and clashes, if the villagers come on to us as armed, we have to defend our selves.  Therefore, we call on the village-guards not to participate and not to take any part in the military operations. The village-guards should resign from the village-guard system. If they can not be able to resign, then they should continue their work as a village-guard within their villages. Because, the enemy forces knowingly and systematically killing the village-guards in the rural areas and trying to say that guerrillas did it.  We would like this to be known by all.

Again, in recent period, enemy forces have been killing our civilian population.  We call on our civilian population to take necessary and possible security steps for not to be harmed. For example; do not go around the rural areas alone. The enemy practises a very dirty policy of killing our civilian population and then blaming the guerrilla forces.  In such incidents, it may be clerified within a time about who are the responsible on the incidents, but it is better to take necessary steps then to be harmed by the enemy forces.


We want our people and the democratic public to know that we will not knowingly target civilians in all situations at all, also we will not aim the village-guards as long as they do not use weapon aginst our forces.

The Central Commandment of the HPG
