Народные силы самообороны

Dear Comrades!

The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas are responding to the invasion attacks of the Turkish army against our Medya Defence Zones with diverse and creative tactics and are dealing heavy blows to the enemy.

Our guerrilla fighters, who are acting with the utmost sacrifice, have restricted the enemy's freedom of movement and thwarted its invasion plan. In view of this, the Turkish military has seized the opportunity to extend its attack to other areas. On the night of May 25, the Turkish invading army extended its attacks to the west of the Zap River and to the Metîna area. Our guerrilla forces effectively answered this new wave of enemy attacks with the revolutionary offensives 'Şehîd Savaş Maraş' and 'Cenga Xabûrê'. In the process, the invading forces could not protect themselves from heavy casualties. From the first minute the invaders set foot on the Girê Hakkarî, Girê Cûdî and Girê FM, they became targets of our sacrificial professional units who carried out a series of successful actions in the Apoist spirit.

On May 29, a successful action was carried out on two fronts against the occupation forces who tried to approach the guerrillas' fighting positions at Girê Şehîd Akif in the Girê Hakkarî resistance area. In this action, an MPT-55 rifle and a large amount of military equipment were seized. This action, in which the enemy suffered great losses, once again showed friend and foe the tactical mastery and high determination of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla. Our comrade Siyabend led this successful action, overran the enemy, fought bravely and fell.

On May 30, a successful action was carried out by our mobile teams within the revolutionary offensive 'Şehid Savaş Maraş' against enemy forces trying to reach Girê FM. From the ten enemy soldiers killed in this action, three MPT-55 weapons and military equipment were seized.

The high fighting spirit and consistent attack style of the mobile units carrying out these actions deserve every admiration. We congratulate all commanders and fighters, especially our mobile units, who carried out effective actions against the enemy with the utmost efficiency.

We remember with respect and gratitude all comrades who have fallen since the first day of the invasion attack. They fought with great courage and determination. We promise them that we will be victorious. We reaffirm our conviction that we will continue the offensives 'Şehid Savaş Maraş' and 'Cenga Xabûrê' with great success in the coming phase and we greet our comrades fighting full of sacrifice with love and respect. We wish them the greatest success.

June 3, 2022