Народные силы самообороны


1-On 10 July at 05:00 hour, the occupier forces of Turkish state army launched a military operation near by the Bezele Military Station, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. The operation pulled back in the afternoon hours of the same day .

2-On 11 July at around 20:00 hour, while our guerrillas tried to detain a person for a questioning in an area in between the Village of Umutlu and the district of Goksu/Maras, whome is collobarating with police and played a role in a conspiracy resulted of a martryd of our comrade name Besir (Oruc Ay), on 3 May 2012, have been shoot and wounded as he attempted to escape.

3-On 12 July at 09:00 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against operational enemy convoy of the Turkish state army in the area of Umutlu/Maras. As a result, 1 armoured vehicle completely destroyed by our guerrillas. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be clerified. Aftermath of the action, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army flew on the area together with drones.

4-On 12 July at around 18:50 hour, clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and operational forces belongs to occupier Turkish state army, in the area of Gire Gone, in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak. As a result, 3 enemy soldiers killed and 2 others wounded by our guerrillas.

5-On 13 July in between 22:30-23:00 hours, our guerrillas raided a work-yard of Dam in the Valleys of Bembo and Begoza, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. The action carried out after several warnings made to the owner of the work-yard, Zeki Ozen, whome insisted to continue of his work of building the Dams, which developed as a part of a military strategy against our freedom struggle. As a result of a raid, total of 47 vehicles and work machines, including 8 TIRs, 2 Buldozers, 2 road scraper, 1 road roller, 1 Transit and 2 picp-up type vehicles, have been burnt and destroyed by our guerrillas. Also, 2 motorola type walkie-talkies confiscated and, 3 computers and 50 phones destroyed by our guerrillas.

6-On 13 July at around 14:30 hour, clashes occurred in between our YJA-Star guerrillas and enemy forces belongs to the occupier Turkish state army nearby the Gare Battalion, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, 2 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.

7-On 13 July at around 23:30 hour, our guerrillas burnt and destroyed a bulldozer belongs to the occupier Turkish state army, which was working on a Road used for military purposes, in between the area of Bagitme and the Mava military Station, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari.

8-The military operation, which launched by occupier Turkish state army in the area of Kato Jirka, in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak, on 13 July, still continues.

9-On 14 July at 01:00 hour, clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy forces of the occupier Turkish state army, nearby the Village of Akarca/Sariseki/in the district of Iskenderun/Hatay. As a result, at least 2 enemy soldiers killed. The number of wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.

HPG Media and Communication Center

14. 07. 2012