Народные силы самообороны


1. In between 4th of May at 21:00 hour and 5th of May at 03:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Sesdare, where there are civilian villages, in Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.  Turkish state army have been continously bombarding the Medya Defence Areas since the new year, including the villages where civilians lives. This is believed to be a special approach to have put pressure on the villagers to live the area in order to create a 'no-man zone'.

2. We can not be able to give any information on the case of Nazimiye incident due to continuing military operations in the areas of both Dersim and Bingol.  The military operations continuing with the participation of thousands soldiers with the support of intence use of military technich.  We will be sharing any news with public as soon as we receive it.

The Press Liasion Centre – HPG

05/ May / 2010