Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

In our statement dated 10 June, we shared with the public the information that our friends Baz and Kawa reached martyrdom during the operation carried out by the invading Turkish army on 4 March in Ömerli, province of Mardin.

The ID information of our friends who reach martyrdom is as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Baz Mordem Tori

Name Surname: Halil Yıldırım

Birth Place: Batman

Mother's-Father's Name: Hanife - Tahir

Martyrdom Date and Place: 4 June 2020 / Mardin


Baz – Halil Yıldırım

Nom de Guerre: Kawa Doğan

Name Surname: Serkan Tutak

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's-Father's Name: Hasina - Abdulbaki

Martyrdom Date and Place: 4 June 2020 / Mardin

Kawa – Serkan Tutak

The resistance of our comrades Baz and Kawa once again demonstrated the reality of a guerrilla who write legendary epics. The guerrillas of freedom will continue to protect the Kurdish people and the lands of Kurdistan under all circumstances, and will give the necessary response to the occupying forces following the path of our martyrs.

July 7, 2020

HPG Press Centre