Народные силы самообороны

We celebrate the Feast of Newroz, the day of salvation for the oppressed people, especially to Leader Apo who saved our people on the brink of destruction, to all of our martyr families, our patriotic people, friends of our people, comrades and people who believe in this traditon and once again commemorate our immortal martyrs who have brought Newroz to its true meaning in the name of contemporary Kawa, Mazlum Doğan. The light of our heroic martyrs always brightens our path; which makes us true followers on freedom and Newroz tradition.

Newroz is the name of resurrection and the great victory march of our people. Throughtout history our people resisted against the colonial occupation with the Newroz spirit and protected their beliefs about a free life. Newroz is the name of protecting ones existance, advocating all its national and social values, stopping all kinds of threats against it and eleminating these threats. In the history of Kurdistan, the fire of Newroz has always risen to the skies as a fever that gladly triumphs. In this sense, Kurdish people are a people of Newroz. The Kurdish people created themselves in the Newroz fire, making their existence, unity and organization permanent in this sacred land.

The Kurdish people no longer accept colonial oppression, denial, insult, and non-status as an important actor in the Middle East. At this stage, the Kurdish people do not accept the life under the system of cruelty and denial. The people of Kurdistan, like every people in the world, want to live their lives freely and with their own identity. Therefore, our people will light the fire of Newroz and show its will of freedom, democracy and solution with the slogan of “We will prevail”.

The new Dehaks, who is forced against the reality of Kurdistan’s freedom in such a process that the people of Kurdistan is certain, wants to gain results by putting Kurdish collaborators in self-reliance. All Kurdistani forces and democratic groups should be alert at a time when the eyes of the entire world is on Kurdistan and colonialist countries are employing special war policies in order to eliminate our people.  Those that fall into the trap of AKP-MHP fascism will have to testify before people and history. It is time for all Kurdistani powers to unite under the National-Democratic Congress and resist colonialist policies of genocide in order to protect our peoples from all attacks.

Recently, the treacherous attack on our Êzidî people and Shengal Resistance Units in Shengal are provocative and have nothing to do with Kurdishness or patriotism. There is nothing humane about using weapons against causing the martyrdom of the civilian people of Shengal who have suffered from massacre. Those that have carried out the attack should stop treating Êzidî Kurdish women and ISIS gang groups the same.

Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas welcome the Newroz of 2017 with great enthusiasm and are determined to make this Newroz the beginning of their historic initiative. With this Newroz and their performance of victory, HPG guerrillas are completing the Restructuring Process that had began 4 years ago and can answer all attacks against our people, wherever they may come from. Guerrilla forces will play their role and respond to the enemy so that the efforts of our Leader and our people are not in vain. Our forces welcome the Newroz of 2017 with the preparation and concentration that is needed to crown the freedom struggle of Leader Öcalan and Kurdistan with victory, and will prevail with its modern-professional guerrilla performance during the greatest resistance history has ever witnessed.

As Kurdistan People's Defense Forces, we salute our people that celebrate Newroz all over the world and celebrate all of our people's Newroz with the enthusiasm and Apoist spirit of resistance of guerrillas at the mountains of freedom, and wish success to all resistance forces during the new period.


March 19, 2017

People Defense Center Headquarters
