Народные силы самообороны


Our guerrillas taken 3 members of the JITEM, 1 noncommissioned officer, 1 special sergent and 1 military health care official, as a prisoner after carried out an operation against a Jitem group, which was carrying out contra activities in Lice.


There are no problems in the healt situation of the prisoners, whome are the prisoners of our guerrilla units. Their health condition is well.

Our guerrillas approach to the prisoners are in the framework of the International Geneva Convention on the prisoner soldiers, which we have had also signed. And, our guerrillas will continue to practise in the framework of the International Geneva Convention.

However, the Turkish state army carrying out intensive operations and attacks against our guerrilla regions after 9 July 2011. Therefore these operation and attacks puts the prisoners lifes into a danger. It is very clear that clashes may occur during these operation and attacks carried out by the Turkish state army will jeopardise the lifes of the prisoner soldiers.

For this reason, first of all the families of the prisoners, the circles sensetive to the human right issues and intellectuals should call out and develop a pressure for the Turkish state army to stop its operation and attacks in the area.

We call on our people, the peoples of Turkey and also the democratic public to be sensitive inorder to stop the operation and attacks carried out by the Turkish state army, which puts the lifes of the prisoner soldiers in danger.

The HPG Central Commandment
