Народные силы самообороны


The month of July as followed closely by all the parties has been a month of clashes. Annihilation operations aiming the assassination of guerrillas, mostly with new tactical and technical methods, continued. There has been no reduction in operations, on the contrary, the dirty war practices, methods of psychological warfare has reached its peak as well as an increase in counter-union movements.

Besides these attacks against guerrillas, the fascist security officials in Turkey attacked any democratic reactions of our people and killed many of our people including the children and the elderly. The Turkish State violating all sorts of human rights has set the operation of the occupation as a new strategic objective. This strategy targeting to kill the hopes of peace of all the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan, means more conflict, blood and tears.

Despite this conflict, especially after the clashes in Silvan a special clique of war created a false perception as if a climate of peace which did not exist, and an opportunity and a will for a solution was blocked by HPG guerrillas.

This conscious destruction of the distortion which the massacre of Kurds of their respective owners attempt to establish channels of legitimacy for the success of the strategy is obvious.

The fascist state of Turkey is responsible for the results of this conflict to be made a ground for attempts to massacre the Kurds and the post-conflict atmosphere of lynching campaigns.

This will be under heavy price to pay and the date, the date will be tried in the face of the fascist political and military rulers are the ones who will be responsible and will pay a heavy price before the history.

It should be known that the reactionary mentality which attacks, ignores and denies the values ​​of the Kurds and use any method to annihilate the Kurds will not remain silent in the face of the guerrilla forces. As long as we are attacked and the massacre policies of our people are not stopped it should be known by everyone that so much more in response will be given by HPG.

At a time when democratic autonomy which is a system of self-organization of our people is declared all the guerrilla forces within the axis of the Revolutionary People's War, is ready to fulfill their duties of defense.

The HPG army loyal to our Leader Öcalan, will continue to follow the footsteps of the heroic martyrs as it did in the past to all method of annihilation and denial, will protect national values ​​and the level of freedom that we as a people are closer than ever.

Balance Sheet in July:

Operations performed by the enemy


In Contact


Action carried out by guerrillas


The enemy killed in the Military


The number of police killed


Cobra Attack Performed by the enemy


Mortars and Howitzers Attack

31 (Total)


14 (in 3 attacks the land was burned)


11 (in 4 attacks the land was burned,

in one the animals of the peasants were killed, in one residents of the 2 villages had to evacuate their villages.)


9 (8 attacks by İran, one by Turkish State, 2 attacks resulted in fire.)

Military equipment seized by guerrillas

2 BKC Full Auto Weapons,


3 HK-33 (Hybrid) Individual Weapon


1 Laser Binoculars


1 Gun


1 Computer

Fallen comrades

Serxwebun – Nihat Çoban

Siyabent – Sıddık Öztürk

Şoreş – Esfet Ediş

Demhat – Mahfuz Akçay

Canfeda – Zeki Çolaker

Şoreş Amed – Mehmet Kocakaya

Andok Bagok – Bedran Kaya

The HPG Central Command
