Народные силы самообороны

To the Press and the Public Opinion!

We have lost contact with 35 friends due to the air strikes started on 22 October that lasted for three days in the areas of Guze Rese and Gunde Pıre in Cukurca-Hakkari. It is clear that 24 friends from 35 are martyred. 24 corpses kept in Malatya Forensic Morgue belong to our friends. We can not contact the 11 friends and we have not received any information whether they are alive or not.

Due to the reason that we can not identify the names of the corpses held in Malatya Morgue we will disclose the identies of the 35 friends all together. We share the information on the identities of those 31 friends with public. Once we clarify the names of the rest of the four friends it will be announced.


Our Hakkari and Çele forces, the majority of a brigade of 35 guerillas was martyred by in large by air attacks and as well as usage of different weapons. There were friends who were martyred by being left under a cave that is bombed by different tonnage cluster bombs many have resisted against the fascist enemy troops for two days. The resistance of these friends could only be broken by the use unlawful weapons.

On the basis of the information received from those friends witnessed the bombings and clashes

as well as conduct of some research shows that the Turkish army as the invader violated international war laws and used many unlawful weapons. It has been clarified that Napalm bombs and chemical weapons are used in the continuous bombing of the area day and night by war planes, cobra helicopters, tanks, howitzer and mortar bombs. The use of chemical weapons which became a Turkish army classic continued for days even though there was heavy rainfall and snowing. The current army commander Necdet Özel proves his the nikname given by the Kurds as to be, ‘Necdet the chemical’.Chemical bombs used so many times by the Turkish army in the history of guerilla struggle was once more used in Çele.

The Turkish state and army and those support these savage applications, provide these weapons or those not objecting to the use of such weapons will certainly receive the reaction of our people.

We call upon on the all human rights organizations and the democratic public opinion to investigate the corpses and make necessary research in the area of conflict.

The stand, the personalities, and the revolutionary lives of the each of these heroic monuments being brought up by the tradition of resistance of the Kurdish people, patriotism and Apoist consciousness will preserve its existence by being the most dynamic force of our struggle.Streching from Wan, Colemerg, Riha, Semsur,Îdir, Çele, Kars, Sirnex, Beytusebap, Erzingan, Mus, Elih, Xoy, Urmiye, Selmas, Kamyaran, Maku, Kobani, Dirbesiye, until Afrin and Derîk the resistance and heroism of our immortal martyres being in the four corners of Kurdistan reminds us the historical responsibilities that we may have.

Our valuable comrades born and raised in the years of 1980s and 1990s have joined the struggle in the mountains of Kurdistan as the fierce followers of the Apoist movement. Self developed, with the power of the new thought and practice each comrade have dedicated oneself to the Freedom Struggle and were full of joy, enthusiasm and morale.

These brave Kurdish sons whom shouldered difficulties of all kinds to live freely on their own land, and repel the fascist hordes that gripped our land, values, traditions showed us that freedom is within reach more than ever.

Each woman comrade that reached martyrdom, as the leader of Women's Liberation and the creation of new community of the most beautiful and most valuable have taken their place as monuments of the immortals. With the perspectives from the Women's Liberation Ideology they maintained their determined marches in the mountains of Kurdistan in a most powerful and majestic style against the low enemy.

The bombardments of the enemy in a despicable and coward way which failed in the face of the guerrillas in any way, literally changes the structure of the land in the region. The enemy’s belief that it will get result through bombings is a sign of a great fear in his heart.

Let the enemy and its supporters not to be happy. This is not a struck that is blown in the face of guerrilla, neither it is a victory.

PKK and its bodyguard HPG born to be the movement of revenge of the history and the peoples suffered will ask for the dirty, inhumane and brutal practices and will not leave the blood of the comrades on the ground. No one should have doubt that. As the sons of an unyielding people before fascist, colonial enemy we promise to take the revenge of the new members of the Army of Martyrs and cry out once again that we will continue to walk in their dignified and honorable path.

We have no doubt that our people from four parts of Kurdistan will welcome those comrades wrote legends of heroism with serhildans equivalent to their resistance and to the brutalities of the enemy.

Being the warriors of dignity, honor, freedom and truth it is the primary duty of firstly the youth and our people to welcome them.

Below are the identities of the 31 martyred comrades. The names of other 4 martyred comrades will be shared with the public as soon as possible.

Code Name: Brusk Amed

Real Name: Mizbah Kiziler

Year and Place of Birth: 1976/Kulp,Amed

Name of Mother: Fatma

Name of Father: Aziz

Year and Place of Participation: 1993/Kulp, Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Rejav Jilemo

Real Name: Ali Hasan Pervizi

Year and Place of Birth: 1981/Kamyaran

Name of Mother: Emine

Name of Father: Ali

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Berdenaze

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Xeyri Fedakar

Real Name: Cevdet Ortas

Year and Place of Birth: 1993/Hakkari

Name of Mother: Seyran

Name of Father: Mahmut

Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Zinar Xoy

Real Name: Sultaneli Julide

Year and Place of Birth: 1987/Xoy

Name of Mother: Kudret

Name of Father: Bisar

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Xoy

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Berwar Zilan

Real Name: Behice Bedro

Year and Place of Birth: 1983/Dirbesiye

Name of Mother: Wefiye

Name of Father: Behcet

Year and Place of Participation: 1999/Dirbesiye

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Dilsad Aryen

Real Name: Giyasettin Kaval

Year and Place of Birth: 1982/Hakkari

Name of Mother: Gulistan

Name of Father: Veysi

Year and Place of Participation: 2009

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Ruken Serhat

Real Name: Silan Ergun

Year and Place of Birth: 1990/Van

Name of Mother: Hatice

Name of Father: Kerem

Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Van

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Dogan Afrin

Real Name: Minnan Ismail Akkas

Year and Place of Birth: 1985/Afrin

Name of Mother: Zarife

Name of Father: Ismail

Year and Place of Participation: 2010/Afrin

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Serdem Pir

Real Name: Ikram Kara

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Van

Name of Mother: Aysan

Name of Father: Ismail

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Canakkale

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Dijwar Riha

Real Name: Cetin Modanlar

Year and Place of Birth: 1985/Urfa

Name of Mother: Necla

Name of Father: Ahmet

Year and Place of Participation: 1985/Urfa

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Gulbahar Kobani

Real Name: Saniye Mustafa

Year and Place of Birth: 1993/Kobani

Name of Mother: Emine

Name of Father: Mustafa

Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Halep

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Sipan Cudi

Real Name: Geylani Residi

Year and Place of Birth: 1991/Urmiye

Name of Mother: Asiye

Name of Father: Irec

Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Urmiye

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Medya Ronahi

Real Name: Ipek Cicek

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Igdir

Name of Mother: Emine

Name of Father: Hasan

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Igdir

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Roza Semsur

Real Name: Suna Ozdemir

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Adiyaman

Name of Mother: Besime

Name of Father: Mahmut

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Istanbul

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Zilan Hakkari

Real Name: Gulistan Koc

Year and Place of Birth: 1981/Hakkari

Name of Mother: Esmer

Name of Father: Bedirhan

Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Eylem Ararat

Real Name: Ebru Muhikanci

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Kars

Name of Mother: Birgul

Name of Father: Nurettin

Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Kars

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Beritan Sin

Real Name: Ayse Amra

Year and Place of Birth: 1984/Maku

Name of Mother: Zarife

Name of Father: Adil

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Maku

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Kemal Cizir

Real Name: Dervis Ozkan

Year and Place of Birth: 1985/Sirnak

Name of Mother: Avniye

Name of Father: Abdulaziz

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Deniz Derya

Real Name: Leyla Halimi

Year and Place of Birth: 1987/Salmas

Name of Mother: Hamide

Name of Father: Hamit

Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Salmas

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Diren Tolhildan

Real Name: Emine Altun

Year and Place of Birth: 1987/Urfa

Name of Mother: Nazime

Name of Father: Ahmet

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Van

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Agirbaz Rapo

Real Name: Oktay Celik

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Mus

Name of Mother: Makbule

Name of Father: Seyithan

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Isvicre

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Levent Derik

Real Name: Ahmet Mirza

Year and Place of Birth: 1993/Derik

Name of Mother: Peyman

Name of Father: Muhammed Emin

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Derik

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Welat Munzur

Real Name: Aziz Balikci

Year and Place of Birth: 1994/Mus

Name of Mother: Zahide

Name of Father: Suleyman

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Garzan Carcela

Real Name: Sezar Arslan

Year and Place of Birth: 1992/Batman

Name of Mother: Kadriye

Name of Father: Mehmet

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Dilar Dilbirin

Real Name: Mizbah Gulale Yusufi

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Salmas

Name of Mother: Hayal

Name of Father: Sadik

Year and Place of Participation: 2003/Salmas

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Serdar Mezrai

Real Name: Cemil Erol

Year and Place of Birth: 1992/Hakkari

Name of Mother: Camia

Name of Father: Suleyman

Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Gever Farasin

Real Name: Resat Aslan

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Sirnak

Name of Mother: Hiyal

Name of Father: Huseyin

Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Erdal Yilmaz

Real Name: Enver Akcay

Year and Place of Birth: 1981/Dicle, Amed

Name of Mother: Hazniye

Name of Father: Hasan

Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Istanbul

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Tirej

Real Name: Mahmut Bor

Year and Place of Birth: 1979/Kurtalan, Siirt

Name of Mother: Gevri

Name of Father: Tahir

Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Dundar Gabar

Real Name: Abdurrahman Enustekin

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Siirt

Name of Mother: Fatma

Name of Father: Emin

Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Siirt

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


Code Name: Saho Hewraman

Real Name: Umit Ramazani

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Kamyaran

Name of Mother: Zeri Sadiki

Name of Father: Vekil

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Kamyaran

Date and Place of Martry: 22-24 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari


HPG Command Headquarters
