Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Our guerrillas put a Turkish military unit under surveillance in the vicinity of the Sate village and raided the position of the unit in the evening hours on May 2nd.

While effective strikes caused a shock effect and left 7 soldiers dead, a BKC, a Bora-type sniper rifle with rifle scope, an M16, night vision equipment and binoculars were confiscated from the casualties. The involved guerrilla unit returned to their base without getting harmed.

The invading Turkish army has been cutting trees in the Martyr Garzan area located in the Martyr Mizgin area of ​​Bitlis for a while. The invaders placed secret troops on Martyr Sorxwin Hill to ensure the security of this tree-cutting group. This secret unit, which was taken under surveillence by our forces, was targeted on May 3 at 17.20. In this intense and effective clash with the enemy unit, as far as it could be detected, 4 soldiers were killed.

Our unit organizing the action has reached the base areas safely.

2. In our statement dated April 21, we shared with the public that on April 14, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in the areas of Gire Çolya and Gundik Remo in the Cudi Mountain region of Şırnak and that 2 of our friends reached martyrdom in this operation. The identity information of our friends who have reached martyrdom is as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Çayan Koçgiri

Name Surname: Veli Can Hunulu

Place of Birth: İstanbul

Mother – Father Name: Gülizar – Cemal

Date – Place of Martyrdom: 15 April 2020 / Cudi

Çayan – Veli Can Hunulu

Nom de Guerre: Mervan Kerküki

Name Surname: Zana Xazi

Place of Birth: Kerkük

Mother – Father Name: Widad – Xazi

Date – Place of Martyrdom: 15 April 2020 / Cudi

Mervan – Zana Kerküki

Our comrade Çayan was originally from Sivas and was born and raised in Istanbul and was a comrade who was influenced by the revolutionary thought. Comrade Çayan, who closely observed the practices of genocide against the Kurdish people by the Turkish state, was constantly subjected to fascist state pressure due to his thoughts, and finally escaped from the military service of the occupying Turkish state and joined the freedom ranks in order not to be a partner to this injustice and genocide.

Our comrade Çayan, is a companion known for his labor and honesty, he has taken place in resistance positions in many fields, including Zagros, Shengal and Botan.

In 2014, he went to Shengal to fight actively against ISIS and to protect our Ezidi people from these attacks and took part in the active war here. Coming to the forefront as a person who does not stop in the struggle and who dedicates himself to the people with his whole self, Çayan comrade became competent in the philosophy of Leader Apo and he made himself competent in the guerrilla style and tactics of the period.

Our comrade Çayan, who went to Botan, which is one of the areas of active struggle in Northern Kurdistan, after the Shengal attacks, has become a leading commander who has achieved significant success. Comrade Çayan, a young guerrilla commander, has always been an example to us, his comrades, with his militant personality and resistance.

Our comrade, Mervan, grew up in Kirkuk, Southern Kurdistan, in a patriotic family attached to their traditions. He saw the fact that Kurdistan’s freedom and the only way to end colonialism is through the resistance of the guerrilla, and on this basic he joined guerrilla ranks in 2016.

While he has equipped his personality and stance with the philosophy of the Leadership since its first day of participation, he has been in a constant state of renewal militarily. Comrade Mervan made great efforts to go to Botan and became the owner of resistance with great will.

Our comrade Mervan has always managed to create a great development by creating a strong link between the philosophy of leadership and guerrilla life. From the day he participated, until he was martyred, he fulfilled all his duties and responsibilities with great success.

We send our condolences to all the patriotic Kurdish people, and especially the families of our martyrs, and promise that we will bring the struggle for freedom, the ideal of our martyred comrades, to victory.

May 4, 2020

HPG Press Centre