Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Our guerrillas carried out a sabotage operation against a vehicle transporting members of Turkish secret service MIT and counter-guerrilla forces near the village of Savuşka in Pasur (Kulp) district of Amed (Diyarbakır). The guerrilla action on April 8 left 2 MIT and 3 counter-guerrilla members dead.

While the involved guerrilla unit returned to their base safely, the Turkish army launched an operation in the area which was ended inconclusively on April 23.

 A part of this network is the MIT and counter-guerrilla that conduct reconnaissance, monitoring, tracking and detection activities in the deployment areas of the guerrillas. Once this agent-counter structure obtains information on guerrilla activities, the Turkish state forces head for these areas and take action to destroy the guerrilla. The colonialist Turkish state and media have portrayed these people as civilians in an attempt to conceal the truth and spreading lie propaganda. The persons targeted in this action were not civilians but members of the agent-counter structure organised by the fascist AKP-MHP regime against Freedom Guerrillas.

2. As part of the Martyr Bager and Martyr Ronya Revolutionary Initiative, guerrillas hit the Girê outpost in Hakkari’s Çelê (Çukurca) district at 7 am on May 2. While the positions and shelters of Turkish forces in the complex were struck effectively, the number of those killed or wounded here couldn’t be clarified.

3. Turkish army launched an operation in the countryside of Kağızman district in Kars on April 29-30. The bombardments carried out by the Turkish army during the operation led to the martyrdom of four guerrillas, whose ID details will be announced at a later date.

4. On November 2, 2019, clashes took place between one of our guerrilla unit on duty in the area and the occupying Turkish army troop in the rural area of Kağızman district of Kars. Three of our friends who fought heroically against enemy in these conflicts have martyred. The ID information of our friends who reach martyrdom will be shared with the public later.

 May 3, 2020

HPG Press Centre