Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On January 1, at 21.20, a guerrilla team carried out an action against the security units in Amed's Çınar district. Three armoured vehicles and police officers on road control were targeted and hit. The details of the action which was carried out in retaliation to the Turkish soldier's civilian massacres have been unclarified.

2. On January 2, from 14.00, intense helicopter activity has taken place in the Alişer hill of the Oremar region in Hakkari's Yüksekova district. The activity has notably taken place after the action which was carried out on January 1.

- On January 2 and today (January 3), the Sor hill, Martyr Ronahi hill and Bêtkar village surroundings have been bombed with mortars and howitzers from the Bezelê (Aktütün), the Serêsêvê (Işıklı) and Girê military posts in Çele (Çukurca) district. Rural land and the village surroundings were damaged in the bombardment.

03 January 2017

The HPG Liaison Centre