Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

In the year of 2016, the People's Defense Forces have carried out a great fight of resistance against the attacks launched by colonial policies, genocidal and all-out annihilation plans. The deepening war in the first months of the year has spread from Amed to Botan, Dersim, Serhat, the Amanos mountains and the Black Sea region.

The Turkish state forces have suffered their heaviest losses in the war of the year 2016. The annihilation operations launched with thousands of soldiers and technically equipped heavy weaponry had to retreat due to the heavy losses of Turkish forces. The enemy forces have failed in the guerrilla war which has been carried out more professionally by guerrillas.

Hundreds of our Guerrilla comrades have shown the Azad Siser, Devrim Amed resistance and other legendary resistances in the resistance fight of the year 2016. Whilst we protect the values created by our people, we commemorate all our comrades and patriotic people who lost their lives in resistance and reached martyrdom. We release the detailed results of the war of 2016 with our people and the public opinion.

The balance sheet of war between guerrillas and occupant Turkish forces throughout the year of 2016:


Land Operations : 323

Warplanes Attacks: 406

Cobra Helicopter Attacks: 88

Mortar, Howitzer and Tank Attacks: 493


Actions and Clashes: 1150 (160 clashes)

Casualities of Turkish Forces (police-military): 3404 (38 high-ranking)

Wounded Personnel of Turkish Forces: 1334

Destroyed Military (armored) Vehicles: 166 (including 8 tanks)

Damaged Military (armored) vehicles: 48

Destroyed Aerial Vehicles: 4 (including one F-16 jet)

Damaged Helicopters: 25 (14 Sikorsky, 11 Cobra)

Actions With Unverified Results: 286

Martyred Guerillas: 585 (13 Martyred in Shengal)

Imprisoned Guerrillas: 14

03 January 2017

The HPG liaison Centre