Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 9, at 17.40, our forces carried out an action against the soldiers positioned on the Sina Doğana hill in the Sheikh Cuma area of Bitlis province. While our forces killed the soldier using the mortar gun in an assassination; The tents on the hill have also been effectively hit by individual weapons. Here, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

2. At 20.00 hours on May 9, our forces carried out a sabotage action against the Turkcell base station in the Zorava village area of ​​Ağrı's Bazid district and the base station was destroyed.

3. At 22.00 hours on May 8, the Turkish army's warplanes bombed the Gundê Fılleha area of ​the ​Zap region from our Medya Defense Zones, and the Basya territory of Hakkari's Şemzinan area at 22.30.

4. In the month of May, which holds a different meaning for our freedom movement, at a period where tough fighting conditions are carried out in Dersim, 11 of our comrades have reached martyrdom by showing great resistance against the enemy attacks.

The Turkish army, which has failed in front of the step-by-step development of the guerrilla warfare and its achievement in the professional level, is trying to show its operations successful by arranging intense air attacks to cover each of its failures. However, the Apoist militant spirit, with its great resistance, has demonstrated a magnificent stance by fighting the bourgeois spirit, which guarantees victory in all circumstances against all enemy attacks. During the comprehensive enemy operation in Aliboğazı-Dersim between 27-29 April, our 10 comrades including Hindistan Penaber have joined the caravan of the Kurdistan freedom martyrs by showing great resistance.

Alişer (Seyfi Eder), Axin (Leyla Güneş), Canda (Zübeyde Göksu), Fırat (Sercan Edis), Nuda (Beyaz Bark), Numan (Ali Karaşin), Şilan (Dicle Bozan), Tekoşer (Ali Sezgin), Viyan (Dilek Kızılgün) and Viyan (Mesude Dinç) comrades, who have joined our freedom movement in different dates, have become an example by being comrades who struggle to meet all kinds of tasks with great enthusiasm. While we commemorate with respect our comrades who have fallen as martyrs, we declare that we will be the owner of a determined and resolute fight against all kinds of enemy attacks.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following:

Nom De Guerre: Alişer Farqin

Name Surname: Seyfi Eder

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Mesude - Resul

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Axin Amed

Name Surname: Leyla Güneş

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Ayfer - Halil

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 – 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Canda Çiya

Name Surname: Zübeyde Göksu

Place of Birth: Erzurum

Mother's - Father's Name: Mercan - Kerim

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Fırat Piro

Name Surname: Sercan Edis

Place of Birth: Dersim

Mother's - Father's Name: Birgül - Xıdır

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Nuda Koçerin

Name Surname: White Bark

Place of Birth: Siirt

Mother's - Father's Name: Besna - Resul

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Numan Amed

Name Surname: Ali Karaşin

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Yüksel - Ahmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Şilan Kobani

Name Surname: Dicle Bozan

Place of Birth: Kobani

Mother's - Father's Name: Hacire - Bozan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Tekoşer Siirt

Name Surname: Ali Sezgin

Place of Birth: Istanbul

Mother's - Father's Name: Çiçek - Murat

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Viyan Isyan

Name Surname: Dilek Kızılgün

Place of Birth: Iğdır

Mother's - Father's Name: Teli -

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

Nom De Guerre: Viyan Argeş

Name Surname: Mesude Dinç

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Mürüvet - Seyitxan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 - 29 April 2017 / Dersim

May 10, 2017

HPG Press Centre