Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 8, our YJA Star forces put a unit of the Turkish army at the Hizan district of Bitlis under surveillance and carried out an action at 18.00 hours. 4 soldiers were killed as a result of effective close range hits. This action was carried out in memory of our martyr Guerrillas who fell in the county of Garzan.

2. On May 3, at 21:00, our forces carried out an ambush action against a group of soldiers near the gas station in the Genç district of Bingöl. 3 soldiers were killed in this action.

- At 15:30 hours on May 5, a sabotage action was carried out against a freight train heading towards the district of Genç from Elazığ near Deşta Êman. In this action, the train was hit.

- On May 7, at 14.00, near the Bawan police station in the district of Genç, the heavy equipment working on the road under the name of security were burned by our forces. In addition, the workers there were released after being warned.

- On May 8th, the Turkish army launched an operation to cover the area of ​​Genç District. On the same day at 11.45 am, our forces carried out a sabotage action against an arm of the operation on the ridges of Hêgaderê hill. 3 soldiers were wounded in this action.

3. On May 8, at 19.00, the Osyan outpost at the Besta area of ​​Şırnak bombed the surroundings of Xırbıkê Beste village. Cobra-type helicopters also hit the area. After the bombardment, the Turkish army carried out setdowns to the area around the village and placed secret troops in the area.

4. On May 8th, at 09.30 am, a group of our guerrilas encountered Turkish army soldiers in the Deştanê strait of the Uludere district of Şırnak. While a short-lived clash took place here, one of our comrades has fell as martyr. After the conflict, our forces put the soldiers under surveillance and shot the soldiers with RPG-7 weapons. A total of 6 soldiers were wounded here, 1 of them being heavily wounded.

5. At 15:00 hours on May 8, our forces carried out an action against Havan hill in Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) district where the Turkish army was positioned. In this action, where positions were shot with individual and heavy weapons, 2 soldiers were killed while one position was destroyed. After the action, the Turkish army bombed the area with mortars and howitzers until 16:30. After the bombardment, Sikorsky helicopters removed the dead and wounded soldiers from the field.

- At 17:30 hours on May 7, an action was carried out with mortars against the Gırê outpost in the Çelê (Çukurca) district. In this action, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

6. At 23:00 hours on May 8, the Turkish army's warplanes bombed the area of ​​Çemço in the Zap region from our Medya Defense Zones.

On the same day, between 21.00 - 23.30, Sergele valley in the Amedi district of Duhok and the surroundings of the village of Baskê Serê village of Deraşa village were bombed by warplanes. In this bombardment, damage was caused on the vineyards of the locals.

7. On March 27, an operation was launched by the Turkish army in the Hebun area of ​​Yayladere district of Bingöl. There have been conflicts between these operational troops and our Guerrillas on duty. Sikorsy helicopters also carried out setdown to the zone of clashes where the Cobra helicopters hit. While the losses of the soldiers could not be clarified in the conflicts that have taken place, our 2 Guerrillas have fell as martyrs.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following:

Nom De Guerre: Zindan Devran

Name Surname: Hüseyin Kan

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Mevlüde – Mehmet Emin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 March 2017 / Bingöl

Nom De Guerre: Sinan Rojhılat

Name Surname: Bışar Algani

Place of Birth: Selmas

Mother's - Father's Name: Rafiya - Aziz

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 March 2017 / Bingöl

8. We stated that the ID details of our 2 Guerillas martyred in the attacks against our Medya Defense Zones in the month of February will be announced later. The ID information of our two martyr comrades is like this;

Nom De Guerre: Dağıstan Bışar

Name Surname: Beşir Kızıltaş

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Ipek – Faik

Date and Place of Martyrdom: February 2017 / Medya Defense Zones

Nom De Guerre: Rohat Welat

Name Surname: Şuayip Demirel

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Nazife - Veysi

Date and Place of Martyrdom: February 2017 / Medya Defense Zones

May 9, 2017

HPG Press Centre