Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. The operation and clashes which began after the occupying Turkish army launched the invasion operation in the Zap region of the Medya Defense Zones on 21.30 hours on June 16 continues in its third day in all its intensity.

The clashes and its results which took place in the last 24 hours is as following;

On June 18, at 10.00 hours, our forces targeted the enemy forces located on the ridges of Martyr Munzur hill, where three enemy soldiers were killed and another was wounded as a result of effective hits. Shortly after this action, our forces targeted the soldiers located on the same area for a second time and two enemy soldiers have been identified killed here.

Our forces which targeted the soldiers trying to position on the Qela Bêdewê area on 13.30 hours have killed one enemy soldier here. After this action, the soldiers which were in the same area on 17.00, 17.15, 17.30 and 18.30 hours were targeted by our forces. Eight enemy soldiers have been killed as a result of the four attacks carried out towards enemy forces, while many others were wounded.

On the same day, from the afternoon hours to the evening hours, our forces carried out six different sabotage actions against enemy forces trying to position on the Qela Bêdewê area. Eight enemy soldiers have been identified to have been killed in these actions.

In the area where enemy warplanes, cobra-type helicopters and howitzers and mortars bombed continuously, the actions carried out by our forces have continued until the morning hours of Monday.

On June 19, at 07.30, our forces targeted soldiers attempting to position and make positions at the Sıpê strait. Seven of the enemy soldiers have been killed after being hit in close range effectively, while two others were wounded.

Simultaneously, our forces targeted the enemy forces trying to settle on the ridges of Martyr Munzur hill. Two enemy soldiers have been identified killed after the hits of our forces, while one has been wounded.

After the effective actions of our forces, the occupying Turkish army wishing to gain results with its technical power once again bombed the area with warplanes at 08.00 hours.

In the clashes and actions carried out by our forces in the last 24 hours, 31 enemy soldiers have been identified killed while many others have been wounded.

2. The operation launched by the occupying Turkish army on June 12 in Siirt's Herekol area continues. Our forces following the operation forces have targeted a unit of the operation on June 14 at 19.00 hours near the Martyr Berxwedan hill. Eight soldiers have been killed in the action where enemy positions were hit effectively in close range, while two others were wounded. The occupying Turkish army has carried away its dead and wounded soldiers from the area with sikorsy-type helicopters, supported by cobra-type helicopters.

3. On June 17, at 15.00, our forces carried out an action against occupying Turkish army soldiers positioned on the Deriyê Sêvo area of Şırnak province. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the action could not be clarified.

4. The occupying Turkish army is carrying out ambush activities in the Hêgaderê valley of Bingöl's Genç district with the participation of disguised units.

5. We have shared with the public that our two comrades have fallen as martyrs on in the conflicts that took place within the operation launched by the occupying Turkish army in the Qerebilya area of Van's Başkale district on June 7. The information that our one comrade which lost contact with the unit has fell as martyr has been clarified.

The contra named Sinan Özbaş who was leading this operation and has played a role in the martyrdom of our comrades was punished by our forces in the Qerebilya area on June 12.

The ID information of our three comrades who have fell as martyrs in this operation is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Berçem Roj

Name Surname: Ayşe Ayhan

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's - Father's Name: Robin - Ferzende

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 7 June 2017 / Van

Nom de Guerre: Demhat Colemerg

Name Surname: Fikri Duşkun

Place of Birth: Hakkari

Mother's - Father's Name: Sıdıka - Selahattin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 7 June 2017 / Hakkari

Nom de Guerre: Reber Barbeş

Name Surname: Özgür Oskan

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Delal - Sıddık

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 7 June 2017 / Hakkari

6. The occupying Turkish army had launched an operation on the Harçik valley, Zaxgr villages, Hıngırvan and Dokuzkayalar zones in Dersim province on June 12. We have shared with the public that our two comrades on duty in the area fell as martyrs in our June 16 dated statement. The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Baz Çiya

Name Surname: Şahin Kara

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Leyla - Doğan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 12 June 2017 / Dersim

Nom de Guerre: Rojevin Sidem

Name Surname: Tuba Gül

Place of Birth: Ağrı

Mother's - Father's Name: Güneş – Mehmet - Nesim

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 12 June 2017 / Dersim

June 19, 2017

HPG Press Centre