Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 15 August at around 09:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a military convoye belongs to the Special Opeartional Police Teams of the occupier Turkish state army, whome launched an operation on the Road of the Districts of Lice-Hani/Amed. As a result, a scorpian armoured vehicle have been damaged and, the numbers of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified. Enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded personnel from the area with 2 sikorsky type helicopters.
2-On 16 August at around 20:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control on the Road of Sirnak-Eruh. While our guerrillas was checking-up the I.D.s, also congratulate the people’s Day of Revival Festivity of the 15 August.
3-On 16 August at around 19:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on a work-yard building a road for military purposes in between the areas of Kevire Samiya and Kulizerke, in the district of Caldiran/Van. During the action damages have been made in the work-yard.
4-On 17 August in between 20:30-21:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control on the Road of Van-Tatvan. The vehicles have been stopped, I.D.s controlled, and 7 TIRs burnt and destroyed for carrying out trade in Kurdistan with no trade permission.
5-On 17 August, our guerrillas arrested a spy working for the head of official in the district of Kulp/Amed, and also an official government vehicle belongs to the administrative of the district burnt and destroyed.
6-Our guerrillas control on the areas of Semdinli-Yuksekova-Cukurca/Hakkari still continues. Within the scope of our guerrillas operation there have been actions carried out on 17 August. Those are:
On 17 August in between 04:30-09:45 hours, our guerrillas carried out 10 different actions on the enemy forces, which belongs to the Sineva military station and were on the way to launch a military operation on the areas of Berderes, Siranger and Glord/Geliye Doski. As a result of these actions, total of 25 enemy soldiers killed and 30 others wounded.
On 17 August in between 14:30-15:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Regiment of Gare in Semdinli. All the targets have been hit effectively by our guerrillas. The number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified.
Our guerrillas have been carrying out routine road controls on the Road of Semdinli-Gerdiya. On 17 August in between 17:00-18:00 hours, another road control carried out at this road again. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s of the people, also held a meeting with people to inform them about the devoloping period.
While the occupier Turkish state army continues to carry out bombardments with cannons, also carried out bombardments with obus and mortars on the areas of the Hill of Genis, the Valley of the River Hacibeg and Mountain chain of Karker, on 17 August at around 16:00 hour; and, on the Mnt. Carcela in between 17 August at 18:00 hour and on 18 August at 04:00 hour.
7-We have already informed the public and the press in regarding to the guerrilla operation, which began on 4 August, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari. We clerified that during this guerrilla operation 1 of our comrade heavily wounded and enemy attempted to take him as a prisoner. Despite all attempts by enemy he did not give up and reached to martry by threw himself to the River of Zap.
The I.D. Detail of our Martryd Comrade as Follow;
Code Name: Zana Rojhilat
Real Name: Ramazan Omoyimilan
Name of Mother/Father: Zehra/Kadir
Place of Birth: Maku/East Kurdistan
Date and Place of Martry: 4 August 2012/Cele, Hakkari
HPG Media and Communication Center
18. 08. 2012