Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 16 August at around 01:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a new building of an enemy military station nearby the Village of Roboski, in the district of Uludere/Sirnak. Our guerrillas detsroyed one section of the military station, which made of two section, and did not harmed the second section as it was used by the workers as a dormitory. Aftermath of this action, enemy forces have closed the Road to the Village of Roboski to the traffic.
2-On 17 August in between 10:30-12:30 hours, our YJA-Star Forces carried out an action against the enemy’s Gare Regiment, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, 3 enemy soldiers killed by our forces.
YJA-Star Press Centre
18 August 2012