Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 23 July, our guerrillas hit and damaged a sikorsky type helicopter, which was carrying military equipment to the Sitazin military station, in the district of Gever/Hakkari. The damaged helicopter flew away from the area.
2-On 23 July, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the Mnt. Carcela, all day along.
3-On 24 July at around 01:00 hour, clashes occurred in between soldiers of the occupier Turkish state army and our guerrillas nearby the area of Tilkidere, in the district of Gole/Ardahan. As a result, 1 of our comrade has been martryd.
The I.D. Details of our Martryd Comrade are as Follow:
Code Name: Hejar Baskale
Real Name: Nureddin Cakir
Name of Mother/Father: Kitan/Adil
Place of Birth: Baskale/Van
4-The occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation against our guerrillas, whome began a Road and I.D. control on the Road of Semdinli and Gerdiya, in between 23 and 24 July. Our guerrillas carried out an action against these operational enemy forces at around 15:30 hour, nearby the Hill of Senala. As a result, 14 enemy soldiers killed here by our guerrillas. Here, enemy unit sieged by our guerrillas until 17:00 hour. In mean time, a second action carried out by our guerrillas against the enemy reinforcement for those under siege. And, as a result of this second action, 3 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas. In this area, the clashes in between our guerrillas and the operational enemy forces of occupier Turkish state army and our guerrillas continued until 19:30 hour and, as a result 13 enemy soldiers killed.
In both action and clashes total of 30 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas. At night hour of 21:00 hour, the enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with sikorsky type helicopters under support of the cobra type helicopters.
During action and clashes, the area have been intensively bombarded by enemy war-plane, cobra type helicopter, obus and mortars. As a result of these, 4 of our guerrillas also reached to martry. We will be sharing the I.D. details of our martryd guerrillas with our people as soon as we clerified them.
5-On 24 July in between 12:00-19:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy Brigade Commandment in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. There has been clashes began in the same area in between our guerrillas and enemy soldiers, which still continues.
6-On 24 July at 17:00 hour, our YJA-Star guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy Battalion of Gare, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be clarified. Afterath of the action, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar attack nearby areas.
7-On 24 July at 12:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a enemy military conwoy, which were carrying lojistic and military materials to the Sitazin military station, in the district of Yuksekova/Hakkari. As a result, all the military vehicles have been hit and damaged and, 1 vehicle burnt and destroyed. We couldn’t be able to clarify the number of killed and wounded soldiers.
In mean time, a sikorsky type helicopter belongs to the occupier Turkish state army have been hit and damaged while attempting to reach to the same military station. As a result, the helicopter tried to get away, yet, got in flames in between the areas of Deriske and Gire Remo and exploided while on the air. Enemy forces came to the area under the support of cobra type helicopters and took away the wreckage of the helicopter.
8-On 24 July at around 21:40 hour, there has been calshes in between our guerrillas and the enemy forces after the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Beseve, Veregoz, Reske and Mile Haciya/Oramar/Yuksekova/Hakkari. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarified. Aftermath of the clashes, the enemy forces carried out bombardments on these areas with obus and mortars.
9-On 22 July, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area of Sitazin/Yuksekova/Hakkari. And, these enemy operational forces have been pulled back by the sikorsky type helicopters under the support of cobra type helicopters on the night of 24 July. While enemy forces were pulling out, 1 sikorsky type helicopter have been hit and damaged by our guerrillas. The hidden enemy units are still continuing search activities in the area.
10-On 24 July at around 14:00 hour, clashes occurred in between the enemy soldiers of the occupier Turkish state army and our guerrillas nearby the Axuk military station, in the district of Ozalp/Van. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed.
11-On 25 July, from 00:00 hour to the afternoon hours of next day, the war-planes belongs to the occupier force of the Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the Villages of Navreza, Nirkola, Nehre and Begirde/Xakurke/Sideka/the Medya Defemce Areas. As a result, the villagers had to flee their villages and, great damage occurred to the garden and grape-yards of the Villagers.
HPG Media and Communication Center
25. 07. 2012