Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


On 7 January at 18:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Karatas Military Station and its security hill, the Brigade of Cele and the Gire Military Base, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari . The action carried outagainst enemy targets by four different wings of our Guerrillas.

As a result of the guerrilla action on the Karatas Military Station, 1 Watch Tower destroyed and here 7 enemy soldiers killed. In mean time, another one of guerrilla unit targeted enemy positions surrounding the Karatas Military Station. As a result, here, a position of A4 heavy weaponary and the A4 itself have been destroyed. Also, tens of enemy soldiers killed and/or wounded here.

The other one of the Guerrilla unit has targeted the Entrance of the Military Station and as a result there has been clashes occurred for a long time both at the entrance and inside the military building. Here, in these clashes 15 enemy soldiers have been killed and many more wounded. Also, 2 more enemy soldiers have been hit and killed by our guerrillas inside station.

As a result of this action on the station, as it can be clarified that total of 34 enemy soldiers killed. Also, during the action 2 of our Guerrillas name, Kurtay and Firat, have been martyred inside the station.

Synchronously, our guerrillas also targeted the military convoy which moved from the Cele Brigade to intervene to the station. As a result, many armoured military vehicles in the military convoy have been hit and damaged by our guerrillas. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t clarify in this action. In mean time, our guerrillas have taken under fire both the Cele Brigade and the Gire Military Base. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers in both places couldn’t be able to clarify.

Aftermath of the action, one of our unit, who were attempting to take away 2 of our heavily wounded comrades from the area, have been faced an attack by the enemy’s war planes, obus, mortar and battery of Katyusas. As a result, together with 2 of our heavily wounded comrades, total of 6 of our comrades have been reached to martyr. We will declare the I.D. details of our martyred comrades tomorrow.

Also, we can’t get into contact with 5 of our comrades since 9 January, after they have been cut off from their unit as a result of the bombardments. As we clarify where about of our comrades, we will also inform the public.

HPG Media and Communication Center
