Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-On 3 August, the occupier forces of Turkish state army attepted to carry an attack on a Hill in between the Straits of Nirkola and Masiro/Semdinli/Hakkari. Thereafter, in between 03:00-19:00 hours, severe clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy soldiers . On the same day at around 23:00 hour, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments. Again, on 4 August in between 02:00-07:00 hours, intensive clashes occurred as well. As a result of in all clashes for the last two days, while total of 17 enemy soldiers killed, 2 of our guerrilla friend also reached to martry after brave resiostance. We will inform public about the I.D. details of our martryd guerrillas as soon as details avaliable.

2-On 4 August at around 07:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out action against the enemy soldiers belongs to the occupier Turkish state army on the Hillside of Masiro/Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, 3 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.

3-On 4 August in between 07:00-07:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action with heawy weapons against the Gare military station, in the district of Gever/Hakkari. As a result, while the buildings of the military station damaged, number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be bale to clerified.

4-The occupier forces of the Turkish state army have been intensively bombarding the Hill of Goste, Karker, Masiro, the Valley of Nirkola/Semdinli/Hakkari, with war-planes, cobra type helicopters, obus and mortars, since 2 August.

5-On 1 August at around 00:15 hour, our guerrillas carried out action against a 2 scorpian type armoured enemy vehicles in the suburb of Tekser/Hakkari. As a result, while 4 members of special teams wounded, and 1 scorpian type vehicle damaged. Aftermath of the action, enemy open fire on the surrounding area with no aim.

6-On 4 August in between 08:00-09:00 hours, a sikorsky type enemy helicopter attempted to fly to Sitazin military stations from the district of Gever/Hakkari. Yet, had to flew back after resistance of our guerrillas.

7-On 2 August at around 19:15 hour, our guerrillas carried out action against the enemy forces of the Eski Eruh military station and its two security hills/Eruh/Siirt, where enemy was preparing to launch extensive military operation on the area of Garisa. As a result, while enemy lost tens of its soldiers, the enemy military operation in the area of Garis still continues. The details of enemy operation and actions will be shared with public in the coming days.

8-On 3 August, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area in between the Villages of Mervana and Cilgir and, the area of Nordise/Gurpinar/Van. On the same day at around 20:30 hour, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and a unit of 30 operational enemy soldiers. As a result of clashes, while 6 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the Hill of Mervana, with cobra type helicopters. Aftermath of clashes, the enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with sikorsky helicopters for four times under the support of cobra type helicopters.

HPG Media and Communication Center

04. 08. 2012