Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 13 October, the military operation launched by the occupier Turkish state army in the districts of Kiziltepe, Derik and Mazidagi/Mardin, on 13 October, still continues with search and ambushes by the hidden enemy units.
2-On 14 October at 22:00 hour, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy operational forces, who launched a military operation in the area of the Bridge of Hovit, in the district of Kemah/Erzincan. As a result, while the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarified, 3 of our guerrillas have been martyred.
The I.D. Details of our Martyred Guerrilals are;
Code Name: Beritan Farqin
Real Name: Ayse Inatci
Place of Birth: Amed
Name of Mother/Father: Meryema / Abdullah
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 October 2012 / Kemah, Erzincan (in a clash)
Code Name: Cesur Erzirom
Real Name: Kaddafi Gulcimen
Place of Birth: Akhisar, Manisa (Originally from Erzurum)
Name of Mother/Father: Sahican/Sukru
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 October 2012 / Kemah, Erzincan (in a clash)
Code Name: Medeni Eylem Kocgiri
Real Name: Murat Dursun
Place of Birth: Imranli, Sivas
Name of Mother/Father: Hatice/Nevzat
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 October 2012 / Kemah, Erzincan (in a clash)
3-On 13 October, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy operational forces in the rural areas of the Village of Incirli, in the district of Pazarcik/Maras. As a result, while the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarified, 3 of our comrades have been martyred.
The I.D. Details of our Martyred Comrades are;
Code Name: Kendal Tatvan
Real Name: Remzi Can
Place of Birth: Bitlis
Name of Mother/Father: Zeynep/Nezir
Date and Place of Martyr: 13 October 2012 / Pazarcik, Maras (in a clash)
Code Name: Cemal Amed
Real Name: Nebi Turgay
Place of Birth: Amed
Name of Mother/Father: Gewre/Halil
Date and Place of Martyr: 13 October 2012 / Pazarcik, Maras (in a clash)
Code Name: Deniz Kendal
Real Name: Habes Dagtekin
Place of Birth: Suruc, Urfa
Name of Mother/Father: Medine/Mehmet
Date and Place of Martyr: 13 October 2012 / Pazarcik, Maras (in a clash)
The enemy Medya also claimed that another of our guerrilla name Sipan has been martyred. Yet, these reports do not reflect the reality. Our comrade Sipan is still alive and continuing his duties in his unit. Our families of the Guerrillas should await the statements in regard to our martyred comrades and do not take into consideration the information given by enemy.
4-On 14 October, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation under air support in the areas of Kimsor, the Strait of Kimsor, Ineka and Mesika, in the district of Adakli/Bingol. The operation pulled back on the night hours of 16 October, with no result.
5-On 15 October at around 18:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the operational enemy forces, where they launched a military operation in an area in between the Villages of Berte and Kude, in the district of Omerli/Mardin. The action carried out against the Special Teams of enemy and as a result 3 enemy soldiers killed. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army pulled back the operation in the afternoon hours of 16 October.
6-On 15 October at around 16:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a petrol car belong to the Special Police Operational Teams, in between the district of Derik and state hospital/Mardin. As a result, while 1 scorpian type armoured vehicle damaged, 2 policemen killed and 1 other heavily wounded. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army launched an operation in the surrounding and rural area of the district.
7-On 15 October 07:30 and 16 October at 09:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out two separate actions against the Xalkava military station, in the district of Baskale/Van. As a result of both actions, 2 enemy soldiers killed. Enemy forces carried away the corpses of their soldiers with sikorski type helicopters.
8-On 16 October in between 18:00-21:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the Road of Dersim-Elazig. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s, also informed the people about latest developments. Our guerrillas also burnt and destroyed a bus, which belong to a company name Limak works in collaboration with the occupier Turkish state army to build Dams in Kurdistan for military purposes. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area with the support of armored vehicles.
9-Our guerrillas carried out number of actions against different enemy targets in the district of Cukurca, within the scope of our guerrillas’ sovereignty and control on the districts of Semdinli, Yuksekova and Cukurca/Hakkari.
On 16 October at 22:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a raid on the Gire Orta Military Base, in the district of Cukurca. In mean time, our guerrillas also took under fire the Cukurca Brigade; the Sere Seve Battalion; the Gire, the Siker and Karatas military stations; and, the security Hill of the Karatas military station. All the enemy targets have been effectively hit by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army carried out intensive bombardments on the area with war-planes, cobra type helicopters, obus and mortars. The details and results of the actions will be shared as soon as we received.
The military operation launched on the 14 October, in the area of Geliye Zap by the occupier Turkish state army has been extended to the areas of Semedar and Samura, which still continue.
While the occupier Turkish state army continue its bombarding, has been bombarding the area of The Valley of Hacibeg River; the Hills of Karker, Konserve and Kanal, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari, with obus and mortars, since 15 October.
The occupier Turkish state army also carried out air-bombardments with war-planes on the Hill of Konserve and the Strait of Gelisim, on 16 October in between 17:00-18:00 hours, and then launched a military operation in these areas.
HPG Media and Communication Center
17. 10. 2012