Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-Our Guerrillas carried out an extensive action against the occupier Turkish state army, who launched a military operation in order to intervene to our sovereignty on the areas of the Districts of Semdinli, Yuksekova and Cukurca/Hakkari.
The occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation on the 9 September and afterwards placed its forces on the Hill of Salara/Semdinli. On 12 October in between 14:00-18:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action on the enemy soldiers positioned on the Hill of Salara. The action carried out by three wings and our guerrillas got into the positions of the enemy on the Hill. In mean time, our guerrillas also effectively hit the positions of the enemy in surroundering of the Hill, as well. As a result of 4 hours long action, 27 enemy soldiers on the Hill killed and more than 30 others wounded by our guerrillas.
Also, an enemy military convoy from the Besosin military station, which was coming to intervene, hit by our guerrillas in an area in between the Besosin Military station and the Valley of Basya River. As a result, 1 Hedgehog type armoured military vehicle destroyed and at least 1 enemy soldier killed.
In these actions, our guerrillas have confiscated 1 A6 heavy machine gun with its 2 spare barrel and 100 bullets; 1 full automatic BKC with its 1 spare barrel and 100 bullets; 1 HK33 with its 20 magazines; 1 G3 with its 20 bullets; 1 raxt; 1 Nicon type binoculars; 1 night vision binoculars; 2 radio receivers; 1 computer, 2 military bags, 1 trench coat; and, 2 I.D.s belongs to the killed enemy soldiers. Our guerrillas also destroyed 2 boxes of bullets of the A6 weapon, 1 BKC and 1 thermal equipment during the action.
During the action on the Hill of Salara, 1 of our comrade also has been martyred. We will share the I.D. details as soon as we clarify.
On 13 October at 11:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a enemy sikorski type helicopter, which was carrying ammunition and military supplies to the enemy soldiers in the area of Gire Gipe/Yuksekova. The action carried out while enemy soldiers gathered around the landed helicopter. Yet, number of enemy soldiers killed and wounded couldn’t be able to clarify. Aftermath of the action, the enemy war-planes carried out air-bombardments on the area of Carcela.
2-On 13 October at 19:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on the Dem military station in the district of Yedisu/Bingol. During the action, 2 guard cabins and the main building of the station have been effectively hit by our guerrillas. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. In the morning hours of 14 October, there have been enemy movements sighted nearby the surrounding area of the station.
3-On 13 October at 11:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a enemy train carrying military supplies from Erzurum to Kars. The action carried out in between the districts of Horasan and Sarikamis. As a result, substantial damage occurred on the train.
4-On 13 October in between 12:00-13:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the Road of Dersim-Erzincan, in the area of Kozmerik. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s, also burnt and destroyed a TIR belong to a company working in collobaration with the occupier Turkish state army. Also, 1 teacher, who serves for the assimilation policies of the enemy, has been detained, yet released after initial questioning with warning. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army have launched a military operation by air-landing its forces with sikorski helicopters under the support of bombardments made by cobra type helicopters.
5-On 13 October in between 16:00-18:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the Road of Mus-Kulp. While our guerrillas stop and controlled the I.D.s of 60 vehicles, also inform the people in regard to developments. Our guerrillas also burnt and destroyed a vehicle belong to a company, which works in collaboration with enemy and carry explosive substances with civilian vehicles.
HPG Media and Communication Center
14. 10. 2012