Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1.  On June 3, a disguised unit of the invader Turkish army was put under surveillance by our forces as they laid an ambush near the Şoşveng Bridge in Dersim's Ovacik district.

The enemy unit was surveilled for a long time and then at 18:00 the same day was struck at close range. The effective hits resulted in the death of 2 soldiers and the injury of 2 others as far as could be determined. The actual number of casualties is higher.

2. The statement also included information on the Turkish invasion forces' airstrikes against the Medya Defense Zones.

On June 3 and 4, fighter jets bombed the Dola Cil U Car and Shexzade valleys in the Xakurke region.

On June 5, fighter jets bombed the Dola Cil U Car and Şexzade valleys from early morning hours until the night. Fires broke out in the area after these bombings, and 3 peshmergas from the region Hoshawi Mikael, Mahacir Mikael Aziz and Jabir Halil Suleiman were wounded as they fought the fires. The invading Turkish army targeted these people consciously as they went to the area to put out the fires. This occupying state has no respect for any of the values of Kurdistan, and they target persons trying to defend their own natural environment in their bid to completely depopulate the area. The colonialist Turkish state system is targeting our people deliberately and systemically, and these chauvinistic, racist, massacrist practices attempt to intimidate the people of Southern Kurdistan. The Turkish army is trying to intimidate the region’s population through intense bombings of the region and has proven its hostility against Kurds once again in their attack against persons fighting the fires. We wish a swift recovery to each of the 3 Kurdish persons wounded in this deliberate attack.

In the Zap region: 

-On June 2 and 3 at 22:00, fighter jets bombed the Kunişka region. In bombings on June 2, two of our comrades were martyred. The identities of these comrades will be announced to the public at a later date.

-On June 4 at 22:30, fighter jets bombed the Martyr Rustem region for 30 minutes.

In the Gare region:

On June 5 at 09:30, fighter jets bombed the surroundings of the Ergene village. In this bombing, the region’s residents’ orchards and gardens were damaged but there were no casualties.


June 6, 2019

HPG Press Centre