Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On 4 June, at 02.30, a group of our guerrillas who encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers in the vicinity of Oluk valley in the Kemah district of Erzincan entered into conflict with enemy forces.

In the conflict where the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified, a comrade of ours has reached martyrdom by showing heroic resistance. On the same day at 4:30 am, the occupying Turkish army bombarded the areas of Büyük Deraşoran and Küçük Deraşoran areas with howitzer and mortar shells for two hours.

2. On June 2, our forces carried out an action against a sikorsy-type helicopter which was trying to setdown on the batallion in the Nazimiye district of Dersim. As a result of the hit, the impacted sikorsy helicopter has returned without landing.

After the actions of our forces, the occupying Turkish army forces on June 4 launched an operation in the area with secret units. On the same day, our forces have organized an action after putting under surveillance a secret unit operating in the operation. Four of the enemy soldiers shot effectively were killed and two others were wounded. After the actions, the occupying Turkish army retreated, bombarding the area with howitzer and mortar shells.

3. Osyan Outpost, which is located in the Pervari district of Siirt, bombarded the Gırê Kaç area and the places where local people who are engaged in livestock were located at specific time intervals between 20:30 on June 2 and 17:30 hours on June 3.

4. On 3 June, at 15.45 pm, a family wishing to cross the border of Uludere in Şırnak was shot with heavy weapons by Yekmal police station. As a result of these attacks of the occupying Turkish army, 4 civilians, including a child, has been heavily wounded. Our forces have intervened in the enemy and have taken away from the area the civilians who were attacked.

5. The warplanes belonging to the occupying Turkish army bombed the Lêlikan zone in the Xakurke area from the Medya Defense Zones on June 4 between the hours of 16.30 and 17.30.

June 5, 2017

HPG Press Centre