Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Our guerrilla forces carried out a series of actions targeting the occupant Turkish army within the scope of theMartyr Medya Mawa and Martyr Rizgar Gever Campaign. In this scope;

An army vehicle of the Amarok type that was driving towards the Zerin military post in the area of Esendere, in Gever (Yüksekova) district was targeted by our guerrillas at 16:30 on May 8. The vehicle was completely destroyed and four soldiers in it, including a commander, were killed.

In the wake of the action, the Turkish army bombarded the area at random while the guerrilla unit returned to their base unharmed.

On May 6, our guerrillas destroyed a radio base station on Hill Martyr Qehreman, located between the villages of Osyan and Akir, in Uludere district of Şırnak.

2. On May 10, at 09.10, the warplanes of the invading Turkish army bombed the Sida area in the Zap region. Our forces did not suffer any casualties.

May 10, 2020 

HPG Press Centre