Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press release

The invading Turkish army carried out air attack on Zînê Wertê in the Medya Defense Zones on April 15. As a result of the attack 3 of our guerrillas fell a martyr.

The ID information of our martyrs are as follows: 

Nom de Guerre: Xeyri Garzan

First-Last Name: Tekmil Dalmış

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's-Father's Name: Feryaz – Salih

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 15 April 2020 / Qandil

Xeyri – Tekmil Dalmış

Nom de Guerre: Agıri Qendil

First-Last Name: Hekim Xuncahan

Place of Birth: Marivan

Mother's-Father's Name: Zeynep – Selim

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 15 April 2020 / Qandil

Agıri – Hekim Xuncahan

Nom de Guerre: Sipan Şahin

First-Last Name: Xebat Casım

Place of Birth: Serêkaniyê

Mother's-Father's Name: Fındıq - Casım

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 15 April 2020 / Qandil

Sipan – Xebat Casım

A few weeks ago, the South Kurdistan ruling party KDP, in agreement with the Turkish state, stationed armed units with heavy weapons in Zînê Wertê on the edge of the guerrilla area in the Qandil mountains. On April 14, the three guerrilla fighters visited the newly built camp of the Peshmerga in order to call on them to withdraw from Zînê Wertê. The guerrilla group then left the camp and took position at a nearby location. One day later the Turkish Air Force bombed the camp and killed the three fighters.

Xeyrî Garzan was born in 1976 in Kozluk district of Batman province in Northern Kurdistan as the son of a patriotic family. Already in his early years he was confronted with the reality of Kurdistan and the deep old enmity against the region and its people. As a reaction, he joined the Kurdish liberation struggle at the age of 22, at a moment when his patriotic feelings and revolutionary consciousness were particularly strong.

On his way to the truth, Xeyrî Garzan, with deep faith and a great claim to freedom, advanced powerfully, consistently and successfully. With great enthusiasm and commitment, he devoted himself to the various services and tasks with the guerrillas to fulfil them. After various stations in the Medya Defense Zones, his last place of assignment was the Qandil region. 

Xeyrî Garzan was always striving for ideological, political and military perfection. He was considered a pioneer and a driving force for innovation and solution processes among the guerrillas. With his modest personality, he was a source of morality and had long since established a throne in the hearts of his comrades. The memory of him will always point us in the right direction and illuminate the path to be followed. 

Agirî Qendîl came from Merîwan in Eastern Kurdistan (Iran). He was also born into a patriotic family that felt connected to its roots and Kurdish patriotism. Agirî Qendîl got to know the Kurdish liberation movement at a young age. In 2017 he decided to join the ranks of the guerrilla. "He was active in many different areas, always fulfilled his tasks with a high degree of responsibility, was courageous, selfless and determined. Until the last moment of his life he fought for the freedom of his people and finally joined the Caravan of Martyrs," HPG said.

Sîpan Şahin was born in 1992 in the West Kurdistan town of Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain). The region lies in northern Syria and was occupied by NATO partner Turkey in the course of the Turkish Jihadist war of aggression last autumn. Sîpan Şahin became acquainted with the Kurdish liberation movement at an early age and initially became involved in the interests of Rojava society on an activist level. As a reaction to the attacks against the Kurdish people, he joined the guerrilla in 2012.

Within a very short period of time, our friend Sîpan developed into an excellent fighter who devoted himself to the tasks of the guerrilla with a distinct consciousness and selflessness. He always fought on the front lines of the resistance and earned a firm place in the hearts of his friends even during his lifetime.

We deeply regrets the loss of our three fighters and expresses our sincere condolences to their relatives and the patriotic people of Kurdistan and we promise to carry the flag of freedom handed over to us into victory.

May 8, 2020

HPG Press Centre