Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, on September 22, at 14.30, our guerrilla forces carried out an action against the invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on Lêlkan hill of Bradost area of Southern Kurdistan.

Two enemy soldiers were killed in the action where enemy positions and shelters were effectively struck.

2. On September 21, at 13.00, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in Hallac area of Ağrı Mountain with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles. On the same day, at 18.00 and 20.00, warplanes and cobra-type attack helicopters of the invading Turkish army heavily bombed the operation area. Following the bombardment, the invading Turkish army carried out setdowns to the area with Sikorsky helicopters and retreated from the area without any result on September 22. The invading Turkish army served the news of guerrilla losses in this operation by the pool media. We have had no guerrilla losses during this operation.

3. In the evening of September 19, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in the Martyr Kawa area located between Kulp, Farqin (Silvan), Lice and Hani districts of Amed. This operation was withdrawn from the area without any result on September 21.

4. In our statement dated September 21, 2018, we shared the information that the invading Turkish army had launched an operation in the Kato Marinos area of Şırnak’s Beytüşşebap district with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles, and that five of our comrades had reached martyrdom in the conflict and bombardments which took place throughout the operation. Our comrade Hira Hevidar (Berna Yalman), which we have announced as a martyr, has not been martyred and has reached her unit securely.

5. On September 21, at 10.20, the warplanes of the invading Turkish army bombed the Kartal hill in the Avashin region of the Medya Defence Zones.

On September 22, at 01.10, cobra-type helicopters of the invading Turkish army bombed the Martyr Rüstem area in the Zap region. The bombardments have caused fires in the gardens and vineyards of locals.


September 23, 2018

HPG Press Centre