Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On September 16, at 11.00, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in the surroundings of the Martyr Mizgin area in Bitlis and the Martyrs Cemetery located in the area. In the operation launched with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles, warplanes and Cobra-type helicopters bombed the area at 17.00 hours.

Heavy conflicts broke out between our forces and the invading forces, which carried out setdowns to the area with Sikorsy-type helicopters following bombardments.

Three enemy soldiers were killed in these conflicts, and four were wounded. Our comrade Şahan, who heroically fought until his very last bullet in these conflicts, has reached martyrdom. The ID information of our martyr comrade will be shared later on. The operation was withdrawn from the area around 15.00 hours on September 17.

2. On September 15, at 22.30, our guerrillas entered into conflict with the enemy forces after encountering with the invading Turkish army in the Mağaçur valley. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the brief conflicts could not be determined. Following the conflict, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in the area in the morning hours of September 16.

3. On September 15, our comrade Rojhat (Sait Ilmin) was captured by enemy forces while on duty in Batman’s Kozluk district.

4. The invading Turkish army’s warplanes carried out air attacks against the Medya Defence Zones and the countryside areas in Hakkari. The details of attacks carried out within this scope are as following;

On September 18, around 10.00, warplanes bombed the Kartal hill in Hakkari’s Gever (Yüksekova) district, and on 16.45 warplanes bombed the Kesta hill in the Metina region.

On September 17, between 10.00 and 12.00, warplanes bombed the Martyr Rüstem and Kunişka areas in the Zap region, and the Kesta and Werxelê areas in the Metina region.


September 19, 2018

HPG Press Centre