Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, our guerrilla forces carried out an action against the invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on the Martyr Serhed area in Hakkari's Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district on August 20 at 20:30.

Two soldiers were killed in the action where the enemy soldiers were struck effectively.

2. On August 18, the invading Turkish army launched a comprehensive operation around Xaçali, Rengül and Balli Mezra in Dersim. This operation, which was launched with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles and cobra-type helicopters, was withdrawn from the area on the same day. The occupying Turkish army consciously burned many forest areas during the operation. The fire in the area is still ongoing.

3. On the evening of August 18, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Martyr Amed and Martyr Axin areas in Muş province. This operation was withdrawn without any results on August 20.


August 21, 2018

HPG Press Centre