Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, on August 19, at 06.20, our forces carried out an action against a unit of the invading Turkish army positioned around the Bayrak hill in the Barzan region of Southern Kurdistan. Two soldiers were killed in this action where the enemy unit was effectively hit, and two soldiers were wounded.

The invading forces bombed the area with howitzer and mortar shells following the action.

2. Within the scope of the Martyr Delal Amed and Besta Martyrs Revolutionary Campaign, on August 18, at 07.00, our forces carried out an action against the police headquarters in Mardin’s Ömerli district. The number of dead and wounded enemies in this action where the building was effectively hit could not be determined. The invading forces, launching an operation in the area following the action, withdrew without any results on the evening of the same day.

3. On August 17, the invading Turkish army launched an operation around Muşanê village in Hakkari’s Gever (Yüksekova) district with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles. On the same day, the invading Turkish army intensively bombed the surroundings of the village with technique. Two of our comrades have reached martyrdom in these bombardments. The ID information of our martyr comrades will be shared with the public later on.

4. On the night of August 17, a unit of ours on duty in the Herekol area of Siirt encountered with the soldiers of the invading Turkish army. The invading forces, unable to enter into conflict with our forces, intensively bombed the area with Cobra-type attack helicopters, howitzers and mortar shells. Following the bombardments, the invading forces carried out setdowns to the area. Following this, heavy conflicts between our forces and the enemy units have continued until the morning of August 18. Many enemy soldiers were killed in these conflicts. Our comrade Aras, wounded alongside comrades Bawer and Haki, who fought against the enemy heroically, has detonated his bomb on himself in order to not be captured by the enemy, reaching martyrdom. The ID information of our martyr comrades will be shared with the public later on.


August 20, 2018

HPG Press Centre